Remote Ideation techniques

Caterina Carraro
Billie Engineering Crew
3 min readApr 6, 2020

At Billie we love challenges and we believe in team spirit during product ideation and UX. We also believe that the final usability and look of a product, digital or real, is the result of the clarity during its design phase.

Clarity of intent will translate into clarity of result

When we were forced to move our new projects to our living rooms, we decided to continue with our Collaborative Ideation Methods and push technology & communication to the limit.

Ideation in the UX design process can be conducted remotely, without having team members in the same room. Here are some of our top tips:

Stay Flexible: not everything will be done in one video call

You will probably have to split your workshop into an asynchronous part (so that people will be able to contribute with research and analysis at different times) and a synchronous part, where everybody participates remotely at the same time. It may sound tricky and scary, since designing a feature might include many solutions and decisions, as well as many different perspectives when envisioning the product (HR, Branding, PM, Designers). With that many viewpoints and decisions, there will be many ideation techniques involving paper sketching. However with the help of a Facilitator, a time-tracker and a shared agenda you’ll have the superpowers to work through it!

Asynchronous Work — benefits:

  • Contribute with your research, notes and sketches when your schedule allows you to do it. This means part of the work can be done separately, the collaborative meeting will be shorter and during the video-call people can directly present their thoughts.
  • Let your ideas rest: since you don’t have the pressure of a collaborative ideation session, in which your creativity must be delivered in 8 to 35min, working asynchronously could help you to focus more on your ideas and improve them!
  • Projects can be completed, even if people are working in conflicting time zones for big meetings.

Synchronous Work — benefits:

  • You’ll move forward in the design process just in this part of the project. As all decisions about the product will be team decisions, to speed up ideas and get things done push for collaborative discussion (calls)!
  • When a situation is complex and requires back and forth discussions, it’s important to talk about solutions together.
  • It is good for team spirit and clarity. Remember: the product you are designing will reflect your process. If your team was lacking in communication, your final result might not be so well thought through.

How to conduct a Design Sprint remotely:

  • Collect your research beforehand (asynchronously) in a shared folder or in an interactive board. Ask your team to focus the research on a clear problem statement and specific ”how might we ____” questions to solve it.
  • Share & follow the agenda so even if you are not in the same room, you are on the same page!
  • Prepare for your Ideation Session with clear visual examples, this might be helpful whilst you are sketching your vision.
  • Don’t forget the process, avoid unfinished discussions and focus on productivity. Make sure you are giving time to individual ideation and time to collectively review ideas.
Ideas: Note down your ideas as a brainstorming map. Don’t be neat it’s just for your eyes! time: 10min
Sketch 4 variations of your best idea: Force yourself to push past your first reason solutions and make them better, consider alternatives! time: 8min- 2 per section
Analyse, Brainstorm, Vote and Decide (all together)
Billie gang ;)

