How To Think Like A Billionaire

Nazir Mughal
Billionaire Club
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2020


So how to think like an unconventional Billionaire, question number one. Why is thinking important? 80% mindset 20% mechanics Yes, this is intellectual sport Yes, is where, where emotions come from yes. How many of you agree with millionaires thinking differently? They think differently from the poor and middle class?

Nobody can motivate you, you can be the person that motivates you, if anything, you want to think twice. Is this a billionaire thing for me and what does it mean for everybody? No It is for everybody.

Here are the, statistics, pick any hundred people at the start of their working career for 40 years how long 40 years until they reached retirement age here’s what you’ll find only 1% will be wealthy 4% will be financially secure 5% will continue working after the 55 somethings not because they want to because they have to 36% will be dead and 54% will be depending on the relative friends, government, or even charity for minimum living. That means only 5% of successful 95% of not. Some people say it’s 97% and 3%. Some people say 1% and 99%. Either way, is that a small percentage yes or no.

Success at the end of the day is not about positive thinking and visualising and manifesting success, ultimately, fundamentally, it’s about behavior, not attitude, not your upbringing not education not your skill not luck. Not even your capital.

If a person behaves in a way that’s congruent with what’s the word with a goal, they are trying to achieve, they cannot achieve them.If…

