The IT Factor: Volume #2 — Tony Briscoe, Director of IT, Noble Network of Charter Schools

James M
The Plug
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2018
IT Factor Volume #2

Welcome to the second installment of our IT Factor series, where we interview IT leaders to learn more about the different ways they help their respective organizations dominate technology.

This month we’re featuring Tony Briscoe from The Noble Network of Charter Schools, an IT professional with extensive experience in leadership & vendor management.

Organizational Role

I run the technology department for the largest charter school operator in Illinois, consisting of 18 campuses, 1 daycare, and a corporate office. I have an assistant director, 16 IT campus leads, 2 engineers and the entire vendor portfolio for all technology infrastructure. If it has a MAC address we own it. I am also responsible for the technology operating/capital budget, vendor management, procurement, and contract negotiations.

Procurement Strategy

As a non-profit entity we aim to be fiscally responsible. We partner with vendors for best pricing. We select quality products and have them bid on projects, but it gets tricky with e-rate, so we work with e-rate consultants to ensure all USAC regulated guidelines are followed verbatim. I view procurement as diligence not difficulty. It’s a responsibility to get quality over quantity. Best pricing with a bad product won’t do us any good. We serve predominantly African-American and Latino/Hispanic American children. Settling for less in our technology procurement efforts is not an option.

Project Mangement

The way I look at it is to attack the end goal, so we start with the vision and build from the ground up. I stared here with no PM experience, but here I am now with 9 construction projects under my belt. Noble basically told me “we hired you to do the job, now do the job” and they trust me to get it done, and I do.


Our IT department is expected to deliver A+ customer service. Client first and nothing else matters. Our two engineers specialize in level 2 support, and we work with external consultants for level 3 issues that may arise. All issues are managed via a ticketing system. The IT lead for each respective campus will handle front-line support and escalate as necessary.

Parting Thoughts

I hold my vendors accountable and have expectations for them, for example, you’ve got a product out for the last 7 years and haven’t mentioned it until now when we absolutely need it? The relationship shouldn’t work that way. I don’t like passivity. Vendors should offer extensive feedback and push back to me as a client if I am going about something the wrong way. That's partnership which builds an enduring relationship.

Thank you for the time Tony, we really enjoyed learning how you and your team dominate technology at Noble. We wish you all the best!



James M
The Plug

Founder/CEO @BillowIP & @CryptoCoinsure. Trusted advisor in IT and a creator focused on decentralized disruption. Time Person of the Year: 2006.