Robert Sasak
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2019


You have worked hard, you have spent endless nights building the next killer app. The app is now available in App Store and Google Play. You can relax, sit back and watch how your app reached the top of the charts. Or will it?

Once you publish your app into the store you may take a short break from developing, but you enter unknown waters of app promotion. How to promote your app?

Bilsnakk app has the same issue. A post on Facebook brought some curious users, but once the post got buried by other posts on Facebook, the stream of users also disappeared.

Small hype at the launch of Bilsnakk app

We wonder if there is a way we can bring a steady stream of new users without spamming social networks over and over. What are our users interested in? Vehicle information - but which one? Let’s try to publish all of them and see.

We published vehicle information about all 5M norwegian vehicles. Yes, we created 5 million web pages for every single car, motorcycle, bus and lorry. Here is an example of such a page.

Car information about AE24322

Once we published the sitemap to Google it took a few days until Google started indexing vehicles at We did not have to wait long until Google crawled one fifth of all vehicles in Norway.

It only took Google 5 days to crawl almost 900k pages

The Bilsnakk page got indexed, and soon we could see the first visitors streaming to our app. Instead of 3 users per day we attracted more than 17 on average. 1600% percent growth according to our fancy graphic of the measuring tool.

Steady growth of new users streaming into Bilsnakk app from July

This experiment has turned out very well. We had no expectations what so ever. Next step will be to search engine optimise our pages and we will see how it will further improve our stats.

