Exploring Svelte: The Most Loved JS Framework

Naufal Hardiansyah
Bina Nusantara IT Division
4 min readJun 29, 2023
Credit: David Russo

If you are a web developer, you have probably heard of Svelte, the most loved JS framework according to StackOverflow’s 2022 Developer Survey. But what makes Svelte so special, and why should you consider using it for your next project? In this blog post, I will share some of the reasons why I love Svelte and why you will too!

What is Svelte?

Svelte is a JavaScript component framework that has developed its own way to let developers build what they need and want. Unlike React and Vue, Svelte doesn’t use a virtual DOM. Instead, it compiles code into tiny, pure Vanilla JS. As a result, the code works much faster from the beginning, making a potential app product much lighter and more user-friendly.

About SvelteKit

Whereas Svelte is a component framework, SvelteKit is an app framework that solves the tricky problems of building something production-ready. It provides features such as:

  • Routing
  • Server-side rendering
  • Data fetching
  • Optimized production builds
  • App deployment
  • .. and many more!

Why is it most loved?

Let’s find out!

Light files

Svelte runs at build time, compiling your Svelte code into vanilla code without virtual DOM. This gives you some of the smallest files in a modern framework. It also allows Svelte to look like a superset of HTML and be truly reactive.

Credit: scrimba.com

Easy to read and maintain

Svelte gathers the logic (JavaScript), the structure (HTML), and the style (CSS) in the same file. This makes the code easy to read and maintain. Guillermo Rauch, the Vercel founder & CEO, has even said Svelte, in his opinion, is a lot easier to learn than React — an environment he’s known perfectly for age.

Typical Svelte file

Write less code

Svelte makes your code simple and readable by eliminating unnecessary layers. Using familiar languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can create components without a boilerplate. Svelte aims to help you write less code and achieve more. No abstractions. No React Hooks. No boilerplate.

Reactivity in React vs. Svelte. Credit: Kevin Canlas

Built-in State Management

In Svelte, any variable can be a state. You don’t need complex state management libraries — Svelte brings reactivity to JavaScript itself.

Credit: Kevin Canlas

Everything you need

Svelte comes with many built-in features that make development easier. You can import transitions, animations, eases, stores, lifecycle methods, and more as you need them. You don’t have to rely on external dependencies for most modern features.

Credit: Kevin Canlas

Creating your first Svelte app

To start a Svelte project, you need NPM installed on your system. Once you have it, you can execute the following commands:

npm create svelte@latest myapp
cd myapp
npm install
npm run dev

During the package installation, you will be prompted with options to adjust your preferences, such as template, type checking, and additional settings for your setup.

Image by Author

Once it says the project is ready, install the dependencies using “npm run install” and, lastly, execute “npm run dev” to start the local development server that automatically updates the browser when you make changes to your code.

Image by Author

And finally, you can start working on your Svelte project!

Image by Author


By the end of this article, we talked about Svelte and SvelteKit and why many other developers love it. Whether you are looking for a fast, easy, and modern way to build web apps or are curious about the latest trends in JavaScript development, Svelte is worth checking out.

You can learn more about them on their official website. I hope you enjoyed this article and found it useful. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to comment below.

Happy coding!


