Set-up Default Clone Project Directory for Visual Studio 2022

Limas Jaya Akeh
Bina Nusantara IT Division
2 min readJun 30, 2022

Quickly set up default directory when cloning repositories, in less than 2 minutes.

Photo by Mars Sector-6 on Unsplash

If you’re new to Visual Studio 2022, and likes to use Git Hub or Azure DevOps repositories to work on your project, you might wonder how to quickly configure a directory as your main working area.

Visual Studio 2022 Start Window by Author

For example, I like to put all of my projects in my folder called “Projects” in D: drive.

Visual Studio 2022 Clone Window by Author

To do that, open up your Visual Studio 2022, you’ll be at the Start Window, click “Continue without Code”

Visual Studio 2022 Start Window by Author

After that, on the most-left side, press “Tools” on the main toolbar.

Visual Studio 2022 Main Window by Author

A dropdown list will appear, now, select “Options…”

Tool Dropdown List by Author

After that, there are many features you can adjust, in the pop-up window, click the “Source Control” tab, and find “Git Global Settings”, on there, change the “Default location” section (you can also click the three dots beside the section to Browse for Folder).

Option Pop-up by Author

And… done! Make sure to close the Visual Studio 2022 or restart your computer for the adjustment to take effect.

