March 23 Announcement (Firewars)

Published in
8 min readMar 23, 2022

Q2 2022

Binamon Firewars

Binamon FireWars is the codename we used for our internal testing environment for the Binamon Arena, we shown this on a live twitch with Nico and because of the repercussion it had on all the community, we decided to make a change on the development workflow.

We will make a version of Binamon Firewars for the community, with it you will be able to fight against other players in this multiplayer competitive action game, which is a stripped down version of the full featured Binamon Arena but implemented in a simpler way. This will allow new and current players to start tasting the game instead of waiting for the full feature product.

Development on the MOBA, like map, models, mechanics, that could be use on this version will make this product evolve into the final MOBA game, like an early access but with some limits on the mechanics to keep the product fun and functional.

Binamon Firewars will be the way of showing you the progress on many of the aspects of the game way before the final product, this will help to bring a lot of attention with streams, influencers and shares from the community to reach gamers, guilds and investors.

The tokenomics of the Firewars will be based on tickets to play the game that could be paid in many different tokens and a fixed part in Binamon token. when a player defeat another in battle, the winner will take a big part of the ticket and land owners will receive a part too. Also there will be chance to get synthetic Z1 and nfts from the game.

Binamon Runner evolution

Binamon Runner was a great addition back in the day, it brought a ton of players and a lot of attention into Binamon Project, we dedicated a lot of love into making it in good quality, as it it went over our expectations as a minigame and received a lot of attention, reaching 80.000 man hours played every day, which we think is fantastic, and we know there is a big community behind the game.

Over the last months we saw how it grew while we were working on the main game Product, which is Binamon Arena, for this, the first issue we are facing is a matter of resources dedication and maintenance cost of having 2 very distinct branches of development, with the runner consuming almost the same resources as the main product.

Runner game claims were mostly around the rewards, first because our rewards pool mechanic, although necessary for a limited supply token and designed to limit the rewards based on the sales we were having, was a limitation factor into scaling beyond that point. This was accentuated when we cut down the rewards because of the booster sales suspension.

When we announced and made improvements into the runner 2.0, with more use cases for the tokens and more game mechanics to make it more enjoyable we realized that the only concern of the community was about the rewards, the truth is, Runner is only played because of that, and that is the main problem here, while the game is played only for the rewards, as those come from sales, then the math is simple there is no way to sustain the rewards so everybody earn because spending on the game should be always above the rewards level, and I don’t mean investment to get a ROI, but real spend; and that is the problem with ALL the play to earn or click to earn games, the economies are not sustainable if there is no value generation or consumption.

A couple of week ago we launched FUD collection and also a minigame for it to show what happen sooner or later to those economies, we blocked speculators, updated rewards when the token went down, 100% fud token burn on contracts and monsters and it was a requirement to reinvest on ach week, but nothing of all stop what happen next, because nobody is playing because of fun and the reinvestment for it to work should be above 101% of the rewards, nobody would play that kind of game if the earnings are a fraction of the investment, any mechanic to cover that is just delaying the inevitable. Which is worst, most of the players on the runner are unhappy with the level of rewards, doing constant claims and adding a lot of negativities into the community talks. In other words, we are paying for development, servers and rewards to receive bad publicity in exchange.

The change was needed that cannot be simply to “increase rewards”, paying 10 times more will result in a dump 10 times higher, as almost all payments are being sold immediately and hurting BMON economy too. Although we made a improvement in version 2.0, it wasn’t enough to solve the overunity problem, so we delayed the deliver because we found another solution to this.

That is why Binamon is moving away from those kind of models found in many p2e games. We are in for a long term project, as a real company born from crypto, but based on real life working models.

So we planned to make a complete change of the Runner tokenomics for 2.5 version, with it, the economy could be sustained using different mechanics, but a problem remains the same, even with a tokenomics change, if every player using the game is doing it only for the rewards, and even Binamon should earn to maintain and keep developing the game, then the system won’t work; what we need is a mixture of investors and gamers playing for fun, and we have a product under development which is exactly that: Binamon Firewars

So the second big announcement is this: Runner 2.5 is Binamon Firewars, and will be the base to grow even higher on community, with a new tokenomics that could escalate and welcome to thousands of players. With more resources dedicated to that branch of development, Arena Game will move faster, and Firewars could benefit from it over time, with assets, mechanics, items, events, until one day, you will open Binamon Firewars, and It will be Binamon Arena.

As you know, MOBA game was planned only for Genesis monsters, and main competitive scene in the game will remain the same. But we will create a new league, separated from Genesis for Z1 monsters. Full features unlock will be still available only for Genesis, but Z1 will serve as the introductory level for a broader audience, needed to build great interest in the higher-level stuff of the game.

Our duty is to defend Binamon Project health, that is using valuable development resources where they can get the best results, and that is the Binamon Arena, so we reallocated resources from the runner into it to improving overall quality and development speed.

The use case for the Z1 monsters will shift from Runner into Firewars, which is a game built around the idea of having fun and also get rewards, not around rewards only.

And Z1 will remain a requirement for Z1 monsters breeding, which we will need a lot to welcome the new players we expect and need for the new game.

Map exploration

Enter the Forest Land Map, explore it, find your land lot, with map options, grid and important locations

Binamon Business Model

We Will be focused in restoring and enhace the Business Model to make it sustainable on the long term. Rewards given to the community are always shares of what Binamon earn, so a healthy economy for Binamon converts in better quality products, more users, more events and rewards that benefits all the holders and investors. The key point for this is the need to reach an audience interested in spending on the economy without expecting a earning return, like cosmetics items, gamers investing on a fun game, team sponsors or influencers willing to get exposure, branding, etc.

Boosters return

Following the previous point, Binamon Primary sales are on of the most important pieces for the Project. boosters are designed to generate demand on the right tokens and have a healthier tokenomics cycle, usually with burning, distribution and return to the community in form of rewards, stake and events. Boosters will return with different mechanics in many more options and incentives to ensure that primary market can remain competitive without killing the secondary. We will also add a referral system for the boosters, so community could benefit, not only indirectly from primary sales, but also directly.

Algo Cost remake

The Algo cost was a great addition on the initial days of Binamon, it helped people visualize the potential value of the creatures based on the probability of the stats to get out, but it has some flaws; for a start, the base price of a creature was incorrect, as it cannot go below the paid cost of 1/3 of the old booster prices (because there were 3 monsters on each booster), that lead to many people thinking that the boosters were bad inversion as secondary market used that value as reference, on reality, value should be at least what a user paid for it. The other issue was the scalability which include bmon price, booster price and halving, all these values should be rebalanced to allow progression, early investments and a value that is well based.

Homepage remake

As we are moving towards an audience of higher level investors and gamers with a more mature product, homepage should reflect it, with improved access to info and news about the project, reflecting the newest iteration of the project to captivate new and returning users.

Tokenomics renewal

This was originally planned as the last step on the first metaplan, just before MOBA game, but we see it fit to support the Business Model focus during this quarter. There are more announcements regarding this point that will be disclosed with the other deliveries.

Base Guild functionality

Guilds are big, it covers from the most basic breeder up to big team sponsors for the tournaments, we are making sure that the functionality is up for the challenge with evolving mechanics. There will be always something to do on the Guilds and as it grow bigger, it should support hierarchy to delegate tasks. But we should start with a comfortable base that could escalate and build from there.

Q3 2022

dApp overhaul

Similar to the homepage, dApp wasn’t touch for a long time, instead we added many minisites for new functionality, each with its own wallet connect and style, making the navigation very difficult and rare, for the upcoming stage, we need to remade it from scratch, integrating all the parts and removing unused sections and obsolete content, improving navigation and menus, single wallet connect and approval, tutorials and of course, new design to reflect the new style. With all this we expect to create a great user experience and reflect a more mature product.

Market revisited

Escrow was launched a long ago with a very simple yet robust dynamic that enabled the marketplace to be build over it, and even the automigration. But we believe we can do it better based on community’s feedback. Accepted tokens and distribution will change, and different collections will have different rules for fees and commissions. Alternatively we will have a new market mechanic for ingame items with an auto market maker for easy browse, buy and sell compatible with primary market.

