#BUIDLers Season 1: Project 4 of 8 (Injective Protocol)

Binance Labs
Binance Labs
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2019

In this series, we’re thrilled to reveal our eight Binance Labs Incubation Program Season 1 teams and their projects. Learn about Injective Protocol below and in this video.

Injective Protocol

  • Location: Palo Alto, USA
  • Founders: Eric Chen, Albert Chon
  • Team: 4 full time

In your words, what is Injective Protocol?

Injective Protocol is a fully decentralized, front-running proof layer-2 decentralized exchange. Injective is the first decentralized exchange protocol that eliminates front-running and allows for trustless liquidity sharing. We are building a new fully decentralized protocol for decentralized exchanges that resolves critical security and scaling issues including front-running, collisions and a lack of shared liquidity.

Tell us about your founders. What is their story?

Injective Protocol was founded by Eric Chen and Albert Chon. Albert and Eric attended Stanford and NYU and became friends due to their early affinity for blockchain. After coming across new cryptographic research on verifiable delay functions (VDFs) that their professors co-authored, Eric realized that VDFs could be used to solve critical security weaknesses and scaling problems in decentralized exchanges.

What makes your project unique?

Injective Protocol is the only fully decentralized DEX that solves front running and collisions and enables trustless liquidity sharing. We are the future of decentralized exchange.

What are your major achievements and status updates?

We have completed our protocol built an alpha version and are currently on track to release a testnet by June.

What are your plans for the first half of 2019?

We are planning on releasing our testnet for the public to use by June.

How was the Binance Labs Incubation Program?

The Binance Labs Incubation Program was invaluable to us in supporting us throughout our journey of building our company, especially on the business and legal strategy side. During the incubation program, Binance Labs welcomed us into a wonderful community of fellow BUIDLers who became our close friends.

To learn more about Injective Protocol, visit https://www.injectiveprotocol.com/, or reach out to Eric and Albert at contact@injectiveprotocol.com. You can also find them on Twitter: https://twitter.com/InjectiveLabs.

Applications are open for Season 2 of the Binance Labs Incubation Program, held in Berlin, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, Lagos, San Francisco and Singapore.

Apply by February 28, 2019 at https://www.binancelabs.co/ to join the strongest network of early-stage blockchain developer teams.

About Binance Labs

Binance Labs is an infrastructure impact fund and an initiative launched by Binance to incubate, invest in, and empower blockchain and cryptocurrency entrepreneurs, projects, and communities. The mission of Binance Labs is to solve the problems that matter most to the ecosystem and change the world for the better. To learn more about Binance Labs, visit: https://labs.binance.com/



Binance Labs
Binance Labs

Binance Labs is an initiative to incubate, invest and empower top blockchain and cryptocurrency entrepreneurs, and projects. labs.binance.com.