All The Ways You Can Use Binance Coin

Binance Exchange
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2018

Last time, we explained 10 uses for BNB (Binance Coin). This time, we list all the platforms that accept and use Binance’s cryptocurrency.

Binance Coin has a lot of use cases, and we are coming up with more such cases every single day. The utility of BNB is notable enough to warrant coverage from business news leader Forbes. While we are very humbled by the attention given to Binance Coin, we are constantly searching for ways to make BNB more accessible and usable in the real world.

As for Binance Coin’s existing functions, let us count the ways. This will be a handy guide on all the use cases for Binance Coin. We are sorting these uses into three: #useBNB, #buyBNB, and #storeBNB.


  • You can #useBNB to pay for your trading fees on Binance and get a 25% discount on your fees.
  • Outside of the Binance platform, you can also travel the world and #useBNB to pay at 200+ merchants in Australia through TravelbyBit. This solution will soon expand to New Zealand and major airports around the world. (It may also involve a robot or two by then…)
  • Need some money? You can #useBNB as collateral to take a loan from Nexo.
  • You can also #useBNB to buy VPN & Wifi services from QLink.
  • You can even #useBNB as currency on the Skycoin network to pay for games on the network.
  • #UseBNB to buy virtual gifts on Gifto, a live video streaming platform.
  • Get social and #useBNB to transfer funds to others you chat with on the ADAMANT Messenger.
  • Want your customers to #useBNB? Accept payments in BNB through CoinGate.
  • You can even #useBNB at nightclubs in Las Vegas through MoreCoin.
  • You can also #useBNB with your credit card to pay for anything in places where the card is accepted.
  • Searching for a new home to buy? You can now #useBNB to purchase property via Propy.
  • Does your favorite location use the XPOS point-of-sale device by Pundi X? You can also #useBNB to pay for your bill there. (We paid BNB for dinner once.)


  • You can #buyBNB using more than 80 different cryptocurrencies on the Binance exchange.
  • Aside from Binance, there are other exchanges from which you can #buyBNB, like decentralized exchange KyberNetworks.
  • You can also #buyBNB on social media platform InvestFeed
  • In addition, you can use Zelaa Coin ATMs to #buyBNB.
  • The Eidoo wallet also provides a way to #buyBNB through its app.
  • You can use your cash to #buyBNB via Dether in 120 countries.
  • Along the same lines of #buyBNB, you can get rebates in the form of Binance Coins when you shop using Coinbates.


  • You can #storeBNB at the most safe, secure, and trusted mobile crypto wallet out there: Trust Wallet.
  • In case you prefer another wallet, you can also #storeBNB on the Enjin Wallet
  • … or #storeBNB on Jaxx.
  • Ledger Wallet is also an OK place to #storeBNB…
  • … and so is Trezor. #storeBNB
  • You can also #storeBNB in Request Wallet
  • … or the Metal Vault
  • … or also in’s wallet. #storeBNB



Binance Exchange

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