When your student starts their own business and kicks a$$ doing it…

Peter Hostrawser
Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2017

Yesterday I had the opportunity to tour one of my previous student’s business. It was one of the greatest things I have ever seen! This young man started working with his craft when he was in 6th grade and never stopped. I saw tangible success from a student learning and working and enjoying their craft. This meant the world to me.

As a teacher, I never know if my students are succeeding with what I am teaching them. Sure they graduate from high school, but in today’s world, you can know nothing and get a high school diploma. Unfortunately a high school diploma is rather worthless. When you have an opportunity to talk with a successful person who was in your class years ago, you get the real story of their education.

When you have an opportunity to talk with a successful person who was in your class years ago, you get the real story of their education.

This particular visit, I asked my previous student and entrepreneur what he would tell the 17 year old version of himself. His answer surprised me. He said that he would tell himself “great job!” I initially thought he was being arrogant. Then I realized what he meant. He understands that many kids at the age of 17 are wandering aimlessly. 17 year olds typically play into the status quo of education systems. They are bored and stagnant. They don’t like to take risks. They are afraid to fail. They care too much of what others think of them. This young entrepreneur was not any of these at 17. I remembered him taking risks. I remember him making gains and losing everything. Yes, he lost everything at one point. He pivoted and learned from his mistakes and kept going. He is living with no major regrets. That is where it’s at! So I say “great job” to not only this entrepreneur at 17, but all students who are living this way. There are not a lot of them out there. Another reason I want to #disrupteducation. There is work to do!



Peter Hostrawser

High School Internship Coordiator | Disrupt Education Podcast Host | spikeview | Career Coach | Speaker www.peterhostrawser.com