Apple AirPods; an idiot innovation or a gate for next big thing?

Gilang Gibranthama
Binar Academy
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2016

So many controversies about apple latest device, AirPods. Some say that it is not worth to spend $159 for a pair of wireless headset, some say of course it’s worth.

Apple AirPods ||

Let’s take a step back a little bit and ask ourselves a question;

is AirPods really a headset?

Apple did introduce it as a wireless headset with built in chip. But is it really just a headset? to answer that, i’d say AirPod is an IoT device. In a form of a headset.

As we all know, IoT is the next big thing in tech industries. We’re no longer talking about smartphone and app, but wearables and all of the new smart device.

If you really look at the trend of tech industry lately, we have shifted into several platforms from .com bubble, which dominated by search engine and social media. And then followed by app bubble, which dominated by sharing economy business model like Uber and AirBnB. While sharing economy is still on going, and people are still forecasting how will be the exit strategy for players within this industry, there are also thought or insight from people I asked through Quora about considering IoT as the next big thing.

Logically speaking, in countries like US or most of European countries, the urgency of using IoT, which may replace the sharing economy business model because it will be automated by devices, is rather high. When the era of IoT has really come, Uber can shift to self-driving car mode whereas they don’t need to acquire driver anymore. The concept of Smart Home will also help AirBnB tenants to rent their space without the urgency of staying there because the key can be handed over through smartphone. The usage of IoT is endless.

Uber first self-driving car ||

Then, how come AirPods is not a headset, yet it’s an IoT?

Imagine if Apple had launched all of it’s smart house devices. When you no longer need to use your phone as the main controller. You can easily use “hey siri” feature to your AirPods to brew you a coffee. You can talk to your AirPods to lock your door or turn on your light, without touching your phone.

Smart house ||

EarPods is just a beginning. The later version of iOS and OSX encouraged its user to fully shift to Apple ecosystem.

And the moment when you just need to talk to get a ride to work, or just talk to have your lunch delivered to you, is actually coming.



Gilang Gibranthama
Binar Academy

A proud father. Currently building Ed-Tech through