Cyber Dragon Dungeon Details

Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2021

After a long time of waiting, the exciting moment has come! The first beta version of Cyber Dragon Dungeon is live now! Players can start to enjoy some basic features of our Dungeon. Heroes! Start to join the first Dungeon Adventure, and play to earn your rich rewards.

Here we introduce the rules of the game.

Dungeon Rules:

The first dungeon is called GOBLIN VILLAGE. It is a small goblin village, suitable for novice heroes who have just started an adventure. A hero with any level can enter this dungeon.

Possible enemies: Goblin Bandit, Goblin Mage, Goblin Leader.

There are three Dungeon Level for GOBLIN VILLAGE, which means different levels of difficulty to defeat the Goblin Monster. Each hero should comsume Gold to play, the Cost will depend on the dungeon level you choosed.

Other dungeons like ANCIENT BATTLEFIELD and TWILIGHT FOREST will be coming soon.

GOBLIN VILLAGE is the first dungeon for heroes

How many times can a hero join the dungeon each day?

For Hero Lv.1-Lv.3: Maximum 3 times per day.

For Hero Lv4+:Equal to the number of his level.

Rewards for each dungeon?

Trophy: Gold Coins, BNX and Iron Keys.

You can earn Gold or BNX by killing the Enemy Monster, and sometimes it might drop treasure iron keys, which you can use to open the treasure chest later.

Contract address for iron key (You can add it to your wallet): 0x72b587c50a3899dce4b25a95b2994c417830c603.

During each dungeon, the hero has a chance to meet the Big Boss(Monster with higher attributes), but it’s not every time. If your hero can defeat the boss, there would be rich BNX prizes waiting for you.

Normally, you will meet a less powerful monster. The attributes of the enemy monster are random. The level of enemy monster is depend on Dungeon Level you choosed. Therefore, your rewards for defeating each monster are dynamic, sometimes you’ll get 10000 Gold, sometimes less than 1000 Gold. We suggest you to send your Hero with higher level and total attributes . This will make an advantage for you to defeat the boss.

How to play the dungeon?

  1. Log in
  2. Choose the Gateway you would like to enter.
  3. Click ‘Adventure’ and Choose your hero for this adventure.
  4. Choose Dungeon Level, Hero Role and Token ID.
  5. Enable Gold and Start to play.
  6. Claim your rewards from dungeon ‘History’. You can only claim once every 10 hours.

About Cyber Dragon

Cyber Dragon is a Play to Earn Game based on Binance Smart Chain. This game is powed by BinaryX team. Players can create characters, collect rare equipments and challenge Dungeon. The final challenge is to defeat the ultimate boss, the Cyber Dragon. A hero will receive the dragon treasure house rewards by defeating the dragon.


Twitter: BinaryX





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