Iranian Quds Force’s Leader Assassination Increased Bitcoin Cost For $500
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2020

The quick rollercoaster of Bitcoin’s price throughout the past 24 hours can not surprise anymore. The previous day, it decreased to approximately $6,850, when today get back to $7,300 per coin. Unfortunately, the reason for this alteration is quite sad. It happened because of a US airstrike, during which the leader of Iran’s Quds Force’s leader was killed.

Jump Of $500 Per Some Hours

Firstly, it dropped down to a minimum of $6,850 yesterday. Presently, falling under $7,000 feels like a significant psychological level.

Notwithstanding, it didn’t require lots of time for recovering and, moreover, increasing. In a few hours, the cost increased by $500, gaining a total of $7,350 per coin.

As it always happens, the changes in Bitcoin’s cost also contribute to changes in other cryptos in the direction ‘’up’’. Actually, all of the top 20 projects are seen with slight but positive increases. ETH is up 2.5%, Bitcoin Cash is up 4.5%, while Binance Coin charts an increase just shy of 1%. The leading of Bitcoin is still firm and stable with an indicator of 68% in comparison with the general market. Altcoins try but still can not make serious and confident steps for growing.

Iran’s Quds Force Leader Was Killed Because Of US Order

Sadly that unexpected growth in Bitcoin’s cost was at the same time with a terrible political occasion.

General Qasem Soleimani was killed because of an awful an airstrike at Baghdad’s airport. It was also reported that this happened due to the order of the president of the US, Donald Trump.

The Head of the US Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, supposed Bitcoin to be a storage of value like gold. Perhaps, that is exactly why investors may use it as a hedge in times of economic and political unstable situations.

This time, the cost of BTC started to increase almost immediately after an airstrike. It should be mentioned that crypto is not the only merchandise that felt changes in its value following the airstrike. Prices on global oil also changed with + 3% instantly after the event.

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