Mothers, Stop Blaming Women for Your Son’s Inability to Control Himself

Jill Grunenwald
Published in
5 min readMar 28, 2019


Earlier this week, a Notre Dame mother wrote a letter to the editor of the university’s newspaper decrying what she calls “The Legging Problem,” begging female students at the university to “think of the mothers of sons the next time you go shopping and consider choosing jeans instead.”

See, Maryann White — a self-proclaimed Catholic mother of four sons — finds it challenging to talk to her boys about respecting women because women these days have the audacity to wear leggings. In public. Where boys and men can see them.

White’s distaste for leggings is so strong, she goes so far as to compare them to Princess Leia’s infamous slave costume.

I can’t believe that on this day in the year of our Lord 2019 we still have to have this conversation.

“This is a nice neighborhood. I would hate for a man to get the wrong idea based on your outfit and follow you back here with ill intentions.”

When I was 22, I spent a summer house-sitting for an older woman in my hometown…



Jill Grunenwald

INTJ Slytherin Scorpio. The New York Times once called me “a stylish and sparkly writer.” My three favorite words are All Day Breakfast.