Welcome to Binderful.

Join when you want to.

Merrick Weaver
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2019


We were out to dinner to celebrate our six-year old’s birthday, and there was a billboard out the window that was open for ads. The birthday girl proclaimed, “It should say #binderful: join when you want to!” And our new tagline was born.

Binderful is a megaphone for women. We’re a community of women who are not interested in mimicking Instagram and Pinterest trends and have a healthy suspicion about what Gwyneth is selling us over at GOOP.

We are entrepreneurs, freelancers, public servants, stay-at-home moms, single ladies, CEOs, activists, grandmothers, wives, partners, daughters, homeschoolers, public schoolers, unschoolers, community builders, and friends, and we have taken on all the physical work and emotional labor those roles entail.

Not to put too fine a point on it: we hold together the fabric of society. Like women everywhere. And we’re weaving our stories together right here at this publication.

We’re going to talk about all sorts of things here: ourselves, our homes, our wants, our vulvas, our values, our communities. We’re gonna talk about pleasure. Asking for what we want. Helping other people get what they need. Leadership. Creativity. Homemaking. Money. Parenting. Aging parents. Making our homes work for us and support the work we want to do in the world. Breaking free from the stories we tell ourselves so that we may support others in breaking free.

It all started years and years ago with a small group of Internet mavericks, including Amy “Mama Scout” Bowers, Stephanie Masland, Beth Berry and me, who were offering online classes we sold through Etsy or our websites. A little digital community was born, and it became clear real fast that this community wanted to be tapped into other women offering disruptive, subversive classes. Classes that change the way you think about an aspect of yourself or your life. And Binderful was born. A clearinghouse for quality content from provocative thinkers. We’re joining forces both here on Medium and on our website.

We’re building our community right here and are looking forward to your claps and your comments. We are adept at handing disagreement, and it’s our hope that we challenge the way you look at pieces of your life and your community.

We don’t all agree on everything, and that’s the foundation of everything magical at Binderful. We call each other in. All. The. Time.

Check out our contributors, and stick around. It’s going to be a wild ride.

#binderful Join when you want to!



Merrick Weaver

CEO @binderful. Your favorite public health nerd.