Use competitor insights to deliver on your winning-pricing strategy

See the competitor behavior trends that are driving their Amazon business

Alex Borisenko-Markovich
Bindwise Blog
3 min readApr 21, 2017


Do you really know your competitors?

Bindwise Alerts helps you find out. It turns data into insights about other Amazon sellers (your direct competitors) and how they behave — whether they change price, increase stock, and more. See every change they make to their Amazon store.

Competitor insights you can use

Your competitors use multiple strategies and follow many paths to dominate on Amazon. Turning that data into insight and using it to drive results is a real challenge.

Bindwise Alerts was created to address this challenge. It’s built to help you:

  • Consolidate data about competitor behavior into a single, easy-to-use alert.
  • Provided info allows you to perform meaningful analysis, and segmentation to gain competitor insight.
  • Seamlessly deploy those insights to drive your pricing strategy effectiveness.

Creating a complete picture

Bindwise Alerts pulls in data across:

Data from all marketplaces where you sell, about all your ASINs and all rivals will be processed by Bindwise. If products you sell intersect with competitor’s products on different marketplaces, e.g.,, .ca and .uk, seamless, out-of-the-box tracking mean you can pull in that information to create a single, complete picture across all competitor touchpoints.

Gaining new insight

With all the data in one place, you can immediately get a clear view of your competitor. Your competitors’ strategies are there for you to see. You just need a way to keep track of them. Create specific alerts for your biggest rivals.

  • Study differences. How your pricing strategy differs from their? Do competitors have volume focused or margin focused pricing strategy? If competitors have a lot of inventory, or their inventory is easily replenished, their main focus might be on maximizing sales volume. In this case, they might want to sacrifice their profit margin on each item in order to sell as many items as possible. On the other hand, if competitors have limited inventory or inventory that is not easily replenished, they might want to sacrifice their sales volume, and instead focus on raising your profit margin per item. Bindwise helps you to uncover that.
  • React immediately. Whether competitors use repricers or manually change prices for the night. Setting the win prices is the process of continuous price adjustments. The key to effective repricing method is to continuously sample and properly analyze the competitive environment.

Bindwise Alerts has everything you expect from your Amazon solution: dedicated support and account management combined with secure, complete data that’s always accurate. Built on this base, Bindwise Alerts is the Amazon seller solution for developing unified competitor data, a deep understanding of competitor behavior, and the power to act on that understanding to improve sales results.



Alex Borisenko-Markovich
Bindwise Blog

I help online sellers to learn through reading to thrive their business