6/2 Emotional Manifestor

How a Sensitive Solopreneur Realigned to Her Business as a Human Design Manifestor

Embracing her natural work rhythm has worked wonders for her business

Bingz Huang
Human Design by Bingz
6 min readOct 26, 2021


Created in Canva by the author. Photo used with permission from Sharon

One of the most practical benefits of understanding your Human Design energy type is to understand your natural work rhythm. It’s fascinating that approximately 30% of us, who are called Non-Sacral Beings (Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors), have a different work rhythm from the majority 70%, who are called Sacral Beings (Generators and Manifesting Generators).

This is why I love interviewing Non-Sacral sensitive solopreneurs who have learned to embrace their natural work rhythms and have experienced much more flow and success in their businesses.

My friend, Sharon, is a Manifestor with Emotional Authority and Profile 6/2. As a CranioSacral Therapist equipped with many other healing modalities, she opened her own Wellness Center in Singapore in early 2020 and found that when she started embracing her need for rest without worrying too much about income, new clients started to find her even without much marketing.

Let’s dive in to learn from her experiences, insights, and breakthroughs.

More about Sharon

Sharon helps people with mind-body pain to reconnect and find safety in their bodies so that they can heal faster. She uses a myriad of tools such as Craniosacral Therapy (CST), SomatoEmotional Release, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Matrix Reimprinting, etc. to help her clients uncover the root cause of their pain and gently release them so that they can reclaim their lives. Her areas of special interest include chronic pains that arise from childhood and emotional trauma.

What Being a Manifestor Is Like

Manifestors account for around 9% of the world’s human population. They are highly creative and are designed to share their ideas and initiate action. Their project ideas are usually not meant for them to execute on and complete. This is because they don’t have sustainable energy to work for long hours on their ideas.

They’re here to get the ball rolling, so others who feel called and are energized to take action can chip in too.

A Manifestor’s ideal strategy in life is to inform others what she’s about to do before she takes action. This strategy helps reduce resistance from others when she takes action.

What Sharon Resonated With Most in Her Human Design Chart

Sharon first found out about her Human Design chart from a reading I gave her around four years ago. Initially, she was quite skeptical about this modality, but these two points from the reading stood out for her:

  • She doesn’t have the energy to work sustainably from 9-to-5.
  • As she has Emotional Authority, she needs to wait for a few days for emotional clarity before making her best decisions. Spontaneous decisions usually don’t work well for her.

An interesting comparison to other personality tests

Sharon appreciates the complexity in her chart, as all the aspects of the chart are described more as spectrums of qualities, rather than absolutes on a scale. In contrast, she finds the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality test too one-dimensional.

She once had a Human Design chart reading from another reader, who accurately picked out her top 5 CliftonStrengths just by looking at her chart. It’s fascinating how comprehensive and accurate Human Design can be!

Sharon now uses her Human Design chart as a great daily self-awareness tool to observe and self-reflect on her behavioral conditioning by society and other people through her undefined energy centers.

How Sharon Realigned With Her Manifestor Energy Type

It’s one thing to conceptually know that you belong to a rare energy type, and yet it’s a whole learning journey to courageously experiment and make it work practically within the personal and business aspects of your life.

Here’s what Sharon learned through realigning to her energy type as a Manifestor:

#1. Embrace the impact she has on others when she shares ideas and informs them of her decisions.

When Sharon wanted to quit her job to be a freelancer years ago, she was terrified of announcing the news. After finally making the announcement to her friends and family, she was so surprised that some of her friends and even acquaintances were stunned by the news. She even saw many more of her friends quit their jobs to become freelancers in the years that followed.

It felt like by informing them of her resignation, even though this is a totally personal decision, she’s also getting the ball rolling on how it’s totally okay to become self-employed.

The need to inform and share ideas with others can be scary for her, but once she embraces this as her gift and strategy in life, she finds that she can positively inspire the people around her.

#2. Trust and allow herself to rest for as long as she needs to.

As a Manifestor, Sharon describes her work rhythm as sprinting with very high output for a short period of time, followed by a need to rest for a much longer period than the people around her. Around 70% of us are Generators or Manifesting Generators, who tend to work consistently for long hours and rest for a shorter period of time.

“We are taught to be always grinding, always working hard, but not much is taught about resting and enjoying the fruit of your labor.” ~Sharon

When the pandemic first hit last year and Singapore went into lockdown mode from April to May, Sharon had just signed on a lease for her wellness center and had to keep paying rent without being able to do her work. After the lockdown ended, she worked for long hours and was too anxious to take any self-care breaks.

Eventually, she fell so sick that all she could do was lie on her bed, and she didn’t even have the energy to keep worrying. That was when she truly rested, both in body and mind.

With more mental clarity, Sharon finally decided that she didn’t want to worry anymore. Bit by bit, as she focused more on taking care of herself, more clients started coming in.

“I used to see resting as not doing anything and being non-productive. Now I know it’s not that. Rest IS part of my productive cycle. Embracing all these not-so-appealing aspects of my nature helps me realize that I’m the one who’s beating myself up. And when I’m doing that, my vibration is not high and that ripples out to my family and the kind of clients I attract.” ~ Sharon

#3. Discern the difference between needing rest from work or needing to be alone.

As Sharon is also defined in her Emotional Solar Plexus center, she tends to have low moods and high moods that occur irrespective of external circumstances.

Through experimentation and connecting with other Manifestors, she has learned that there are periods when she just needs to take a few days off from work, and yet she feels sociable enough to want to hang out with friends during her work break.

There are also times, especially during weekends when she’s with her young son and husband who are both Manifesting Generators, she just needs to lie on the floor for a couple of hours and be left alone. By clearly communicating her needs for alone time and rest, she’s able to take care of her energetic needs and keep her vibration high.

Closing Notes

Since only 9% of us are Manifestors, I hope that by reading about Sharon’s challenges, insights, and breakthroughs, you’ll be able to have a clearer idea of what it’s like to work and take better care of yourself as a Manifestor.

As a quick summary, her top 3 insights as a Manifestor are to:

  1. Embrace the impact you have on others whenever you share your ideas and inform others.
  2. Trust and allow yourself to rest for as long as you need to, whenever you need to.
  3. Be clear about the type of rest you need. Do you need to rest your physical body, your mind, or be alone for a while?

Much gratitude to Sharon for being so generous in sharing all her insights with us. Do feel free to connect with her at her Instagram account and website. Thank you, Sharon!



Bingz Huang
Human Design by Bingz

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.