How I Explain Human Design to My Kids

Perhaps you’ll enjoy this story too

Bingz Huang
Human Design by Bingz


Photo by Reuben Juarez on Unsplash

With the world going increasingly crazy at times, I thought it’ll be a good idea to start introducing the concept of Human Design to my two older sons who are 6 and 8 years old, so they are more aware of how they navigate external energies.

I would share with them a few interesting tidbits about their individual charts, and they got more and more curious about it.

So one day, while driving my kids to school, I told them a fun story about Human Design. Perhaps you might enjoy reading this too!

Here it goes:

Imagine this person who was born to have the energy imprint of a rabbit. He has the gifts and inclinations of being a rabbit, but his parents wanted him to behave like a tiger!

So he grew up behaving like a tiger, yet somehow it didn’t feel right to him that he’s supposed to be a tiger. He might be great at imitating what a good tiger should do, but he’s getting more unhappy and exhausted being a tiger, with lots of career frustration and physical health issues starting to creep up.

One day, he had a Human Design chart reading from me. I told him how he was born to behave like a rabbit. His eyes lit up and he exclaimed:

“Wow! how did you know this?! All my life I’ve felt envious of my friends who are free to behave like rabbits, yet I didn’t know why I would feel and think that way. I feel so relieved! Thank you so much!”

And so, this is the work I do, and I love it!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little sharing!

Stay tuned for more interesting short tales on how I infuse Human Design into the way I parent my children and help them understand more about their unique energetic wiring.

Related Read

If you are curious about how I explain Human Design to grown-ups, here’s the article:



Bingz Huang
Human Design by Bingz

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.