Human Design Journal

How I Navigate Overwhelm as a New Writer

A mini-analysis of my Human Design chart

Bingz Huang
Human Design by Bingz
6 min readSep 13, 2020


Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

I just joined Medium as a new Writer in late July, and understanding my Human Design chart has helped me to appreciate the energetic challenges I’m going through in this recent change.

I hope that by sharing my thought process here, you can see what it’s like to use Human Design as a self-awareness and self-improvement tool.

If you are new to Human Design, do take a look at my two introductory articles here:

My Human Design chart

Author’s Human Design chart. Source: Genetic Matrix

Here are some of my basic Human Design chart details.

I am a Generator with Sacral Authority, Profile 4/6, with 5 Undefined Centers (white) in my Head, Will, Emotional Solar Plexus, Root, and Spleen centers.

Mini-analysis of my chart

Generator with Sacral Authority

My most robust intuition as a Generator is in my Sacral Response! I embraced this new path of being a writer after taking a fascinating quiz to find out about my most significant life purpose. I took the same quiz six months ago, and both times I arrived at the same answer to be an author and speaker!

Somehow, discovering the same result this time energized me. My sacral went, “uh-huh, yes, I want to do this!” And being a Medium writer seemed like a logical next step to take because just a few weeks before taking that quiz, I joined Niklas Göke ‘s mailing list to find out what it’s like to write like a pro! I enrolled in his writing course shortly after wanting to commit most of my mornings and nights to write on Medium.

My Defined Sacral center gave me lots of sustainable energies to writing for hours at a stretch.

Profile 4/6

Being a Conscious Line 4, I know that I don’t adapt quickly to changes in life. I need to create a new ‘platform’ in my Writer role, so I can feel safer in making this transition.

Purchasing a course to learn from professional writers on how I can shorten my path to becoming a pro writer feels like a good ‘platform’ for me to hold onto as I make this transition. These people would have the right mindsets and strategies for me to benefit from.

I find that as a Line 4, my network is crucial to me too. As I seek out and form new friendships with mentors and fellow Medium writer friends, I find that it’s easier to ease into my new role as a Writer. I started to receive a lot more meaningful appreciation and engagement in my articles too!

Undefined Centers

Your Undefined Centers, the Centers that are white on your chart, are where you tend to experience the energies of other people, places, and events through these centers very intensely.

In this new world of Medium, I find that I feel the most intense energies through my Undefined Root Center. The Root Center is an energy motor that operates in an On-Off pulse of adrenaline energies. When one is Undefined in this center, there is no natural Off switch. Instead, it becomes much easier to sense others’ excitement and nervousness in an amplified manner.

It is so common to experience excitement and nervousness as a Medium writer as I:

  • refresh my story stats every few minutes each day
  • wait to get accepted into major publications
  • wait to get my articles published
  • wait to receive notifications of some new reader highlighting my stories and clapping for them

I am feeling this adrenaline energies pumping from all Medium writers all over the world, 24/7! I think this goes together with the fear energies I sense from other Medium writers through my Undefined Spleen too. The income from writing can be unpredictable, and this is a common fear for many writers.

This excitement is driving me crazy! But at least I am aware where this craziness is coming from, and I can take steps to release and manage it.

Following a minimal to-do list works great in balancing my Root center. I tell myself I can rest when I have spent an hour writing, and read and engaged with 2–3 writers I admire.

I need to tell my mind to ‘switch off’ the Medium app in my mind for specific periods in the day, and before I sleep.

I like taking walks in my favorite park to talk to the trees and ask them to ground me as I stand barefoot for a few minutes on the grass.

I tend to feel others’ emotions strongly through my Undefined Emotional Solar Plexus as well. I’m a big believer that I don’t have to be an emotional sponge for others. Free-writing, intuitive dancing, and inhaling therapeutic-grade essential oils have helped me immensely in processing and releasing my feelings.

Writing is a very emotional process for me. I tend to be so stuffed with emotions from others that it can be hard to access and process mine. What I’ve discovered through writing more on Medium is that I’ve been releasing a lot of grief over the loss of many beloved family members in the past 8 years.

This article, which kind of wrote itself, became my very first curated piece!

Having an Undefined Will Center, it is difficult for me to be aware of how much value I am creating through my writing. I use my Medium earnings as a gauge on how much impact I am making as a Writer.

Even though my husband laughs at how little I am earning through Medium, I am genuinely touched to have my earnings increase more every month!

I take time to accept all positive feedback on my articles too. They give me great validation that I am moving forward on my new path every day :)

Being Undefined in my Will Center also makes me super sensitive to the ‘hustle-and-grind’ energies from others. I can feel super motivated and ride on that willpower from other writers all day long! Over time, this becomes a problem because I’m running myself ragged over-hustling with energies that are not mine.

I have to constantly tune into this energy to release that extra willpower so I can relax more into myself.

One surprise I’ve experienced in my journey to become a writer is that I have been channeling my Higher Self through writing short and simple poems.

I am channeling through my Undefined Head Center, where I tend to download abstract, non-linear information, which works super well in poetry form! I’ve never considered myself to be a poet and thought of trying it out when I read some great poems by other Medium writers.

So far, I’ve got two of my poems curated — this is an attractive bonus for me!

Closing notes

I hope that by sharing my mini-analysis and how it relates to my new journey as a Medium writer, you can visualize how you might be able to use your Human Design chart as a personal development tool too!

Do you enjoy reading short Human Design journal entries like this? I would love to have your feedback on how to make learning about Human Design enjoyable and insightful for you.



Bingz Huang
Human Design by Bingz

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.