Human Design | Chart Analysis | Generators

Learning from Lisa Keskin — Ghostwriter

Emotional Generator with Profile 2/4

Bingz Huang
Human Design by Bingz
6 min readJun 4, 2020


Lisa Keskin — Ghostwriter, Austria

I’m delighted to connect with Lisa Keskin from Austria and to analyze her Human Design chart!

If you are completely new to Human Design, you might want to have a quick read of these two introductory articles I wrote:

Lisa Keskin is a Ghostwriter and she trains others to be professional Ghostwriters as well!

Her motto is: Together instead of against each other.

Let’s take a look at her Human Design Chart and I will give a quick analysis of the interesting parts I see from her chart!

Lisa is new to Human Design, so I have included her comments (in quotes) upon reading my analysis of her chart.

Lisa’s Human Design Chart (with birth data removed). Source: Genetic Matrix

Lisa’s Human Design chart shows that she is a:

  • Generator with Emotional Inner Authority
  • Profile 2/4
  • only 2 Defined Centers in her Sacral and Emotional Solar Plexus Centers.

Energy Type: Generator

As a Generator, Lisa feels driven to do work that is fulfilling for her, and her purpose is to achieve mastery in the work she does. So for her, I see that her starting out in ghostwriting and now teaching a course on it is a sign of Mastery in it!

This is exactly the reason why I love to go on new adventures and always adapt my work life according to it.

I love to become a master, but I also love to go new ways, I am kind of a pioneer. As soon as I achieve mastery there must come something new or at least a way to modify the things I do.

Profile 2/4

Having this profile indicates that she requires lots of alone time to help her feel balanced and restored, which makes a lot of sense since she has so many Open Centers. It means that she does her work best when she is feeling perfectly comfortable being alone.

She also usually gets called to enter new relationships whenever she is found to be spending time alone. So in her business, clients are more likely to initiate contact with her rather than the other way round.

I love being alone and I also need to be alone for me to work.

I am being approached all the time, people want to contact me. Even when I am not open to it.
Anyway, better than the other way round, I think …:-)

Top two Defined Gates

Lisa’s most important defined gate — Gate 42, compels her with an innate gift to complete projects, which is perfect motivation as a ghostwriter, helping people with book ideas to complete their books!

To be honest, this one’s quite new for me. In earlier years I did not see me as a completer. Looking back though, this is absolutely correct. Up to this day I regret I couldn’t finish my masterclass in homeopathic medicine.

Her second most important defined gate is Gate 32, which gives her the intuition to know which book ideas have the best potential to work and be successful.

Intuition in fact is my biggest strength. It is which I work with most in every way. Each of my decisions is based on it, ad all the really good things I began (or even ended) were because of being driven to do so.

Also, I work with my intuition for what you call potential of the books. Sometimes people come to me with one idea for their book, and end up with an entirely different one or written for a completely different target group.

At the end of the day it is for the best.

Defined Emotional Solar Plexus

Lisa has a fixed rhythm of emotional ups and downs. Since writing is an emotional activity, her own fluctuation in emotions helps her to write expressively. Ghost-writing books for her clients is an intimate relationship between her and her client, and her defined emotional channel 59/6 indicates that she has the innate gift of caring for her one-on-one clients, as she gains more clarity in what needs to be done in the ghost-writing projects over time. This helps her clients to build more trust in her.

I feel the clients. So I can help them express what they want to be expressed in a way their readers can understand and relate to it.

Incredible Sensitivity with 7 Open Centers

With such an intimate connection needed in ghostwriting, Lisa, being Open in 7 out of 9 centers, shows that she has the ability to energetically connect to her clients and their book ideas/characters, etc through these 7 centers.

I always thought, that everybody is like that. I took me a while to understand that I was not manipulated by anyone but just felt so deeply the needs of others that I did what I had to do — often without words being needed.

She senses her clients’ problems, thoughts, what they value most, their core sense of self, their fears regarding their dreams of becoming authors, and what drives them to want to have their books written.

Perhaps this is why she not only ghostwrites and teaches about ghostwriting, she also coaches clients who do want to write books on their own to remove their mental blocks to writing.

Her Open throat allows her to naturally channel what her clients want to convey through their books.

Being Open in her Identity Center probably motivated her to be trained in various disciplines — she is multilingual and trained in Engineering too, and also made her feel at home writing various book genres. Here’s what she wrote on her website that is connected to her Open Identity Center:

“My real life was also mixed, almost as if it were one of my stories.
In addition to a new language training, I also have a technical degree as an engineer.

My experiences range from writing books on energetic work (tantra, reincarnation therapy) to tough control of Adobe programs. And I feel at home in every world.”

The challenge of having an Open Identity Center is that it feels so easy for her to dive in deeply into each book idea, each character, and genre, that it felt difficult to know what her consistent Identity is. With an Open Identity Center, she might feel lost in truly knowing who she is, but she has the gift of being able to choose and change her Identity and Life direction at any point in time, following her intuition.

I love to be different persons. It gives me a lot of freedom to experience in this world. I live many lives in one, changing from time to time. In fact, it feels as if earlier life stages had been completely different loves, if you know what I mean.
I am now in this identity, but when my life changes, I literally become someone else, even with a change of name sometimes. But always in the knowing, that these other persons also were me.


Most of us were not taught how to understand and manage our energetic sensitivity when we were young, and it can be so easy to be distracted or feel overwhelmed by our sensitivity.

I am truly amazed by how Lisa Keskin, with 7 Open Energy Centers, is able to manage her Sensitivity and use it as an essential Gift in her Ghostwriting business. Thank you for inspiring us, Lisa!

Interested in connecting with Lisa Keskin?

Here are some of the ways you can connect with Lisa Keskin:



Bingz Huang
Human Design by Bingz

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.