Human Design | Chart Analysis | Manifesting Generators

Cultivating Natural Mental Stability and Embracing Your Uniqueness

An interview with Scott Walker — Bipolar Stability Expert

Bingz Huang
Human Design by Bingz
10 min readJul 1, 2020


Scott Walker — Bipolar Stability Expert from Banff, Canada. Source: Scott Walker

I came to know about Scott Walker in 2018 when we were in the same Authentic Business mastermind group. We continued to stay in touch through Facebook and I appreciate learning more about his bipolar disorder journey and mental health awareness posts that he has been bravely sharing on Facebook. Scott has a keen interest in learning more about his Human Design chart as well so we decided to do this interview and Human Design Chart analysis together!

I’m very excited to share with you some of the insights I’ve learned through interviewing Scott Walker through the lens of his Human Design Chart.

More about Scott Walker

Scott Inside Out empowers you in two ways:

  1. By teaching an easy to learn, yet extremely powerful energy tool that you can effortlessly implement into your life.
  2. By guiding you to natural mental stability through a variety of offerings and resources.

Here’s how Scott describes his growth journey from struggling with Bipolar Disorder to cultivating natural mental stability:

After being diagnosed with bipolar disorder twenty years ago, I thought I would never be “normal” again. For the first seven years I took psych meds and lived with the side effects which accompanied near-constant brain fog. In 2007 I went to a powerful retreat focusing on both spiritual and personal growth. From then until now I’ve learned and more importantly apply various tools in my life to be mentally stable. At the present time I am fortunate to be nearly ten years med-free, happy and healthy. I embrace supporting others in their journey for spiritual growth and natural mental stability.

Scott’s chart shows that he is a Manifesting Generator with Emotional Inner Authority, Profile 6/2, and Undefined Centers in his Head, Ajna, and Root Centers.

Based on my Chart Analysis and Interview with him, I will share with you some of the parts that I find deeply meaningful and insightful.

My questions are in bold, and Scott’s answers are under each question.

Initiating Conversations as a Manifesting Generator

As a Manifesting Generator, you have a motorized throat, which makes it easy for you to initiate conversations. Do you find that when you initiate conversations, it is common for people to want to pay attention to what you have to say?

I’d say it’s becoming more and more prevalent now… people wanting to hear what I have to say. This is mainly because I’m more confident in myself. I’ve done a lot of health changes for the last three months. I just started sharing publicly what I’ve been doing and I’ve had a handful of people really really curious to hear more so that’s been interesting!

Expressing Emotions

So what you usually express through your Throat Center tends to depend on the Energy Center(s) that are connected to it. For your case, your Emotional Solar Plexus Center is connected to the Throat Center, so this usually means that you are good at expressing your emotions, such as your passions when you are in a good mood. Do you see this happening for you?

I’m getting better at that. Most of my life I’ve not been able to express how I feel. Most of my life I’ve felt a lot because I’ve been a very sensitive person ever since I was a young boy. But most of my life I have not been able to express that.

In the last two years, I’ve been better and more comfortable at expressing what I’m feeling to others. That’s a very relatively new thing for me and I’m still a work in progress with that.

I don’t tell people what I’m feeling all the time because I feel a lot! So if I was to tell people what I feel all the time I think I’d be talking on and on. I say major things but I typically don’t say every single thing I’m feeling.

Relating to Bipolar Disorder through Large Emotional Fluctuations

I see that you have two defined emotional channels, and both of them can create high Highs and low Lows in your emotions.

The first emotional channel, 12/22 indicates that most of the time you are going on a plane that does not have many emotional fluctuations, but all of a sudden it can spike really high, or really low. It is during those spikes that you get this amazing clarity on what decisions you should make. There is this inner knowing that becomes obvious during those spikes. Is that how you experience it?

Yes I have bipolar disorder. The average person has ups and downs, emotionally good and bad days. For someone with bipolar disorder those are much more pronounced. I have much, much better days than the average person and I have much, much worse days than the average person emotionally. So I do find that when I’m what’s called hypomanic (which is essentially an elevated mood) that’s when I have my best ideas., It is also when I have my best clarity.

I’m pretty fortunate that I’m at the point now where because of different habits I’ve learned and health practices I do daily along with mindset work, that I’m almost constantly in a slight hypomanic state.

Right now I’m also doing conscious cleaning, decalcifying, and entraining of my pineal gland. I’m really fortunate that I’m having more and more ideas now as well as actually taking action on those ideas. I find that I don’t get ideas and clarity in the low points at all. It happens when I’m slightly on the upswing.

I do admit about two months ago, about a month into the pandemic, that I was just feeling so much and was starting to focus on all the negative things that were happening. What I’ve learned is that if I don’t follow the news at all, that doing so dramatically helps me in so many ways.

About two months ago, I was starting to ingest more and more news related to the pandemic. I was getting mildly depressed and I was teetering on getting deeply depressed. I feel the main reason is that I feel so much and I was taking in so much negative and pessimistic and worrying type of news that the world is going to end. So I did a few other things but the main thing I did was I really stopped following the news. That really helped me.

So the other defined emotional channel that you have is 35/36, which is also known as a Crash wave because you tend to have a higher and higher mood till it suddenly crashes down into a low mood. How are you experiencing this wave in your life?

In my life, I’ve had four manic episodes where I’ve actually been in the psychiatric hospital. A manic episode is when someone gets extremely high. My reality in my head was much different than what was happening in the outside world. Almost every time that someone has a manic episode, they have deep depression afterward. In my case, this happened every time after a manic episode. The last time I had a manic episode was six and a half years ago.

Last summer I had a time where I was hypomanic for five days. In my experience, that’s a very long time for me to be hypomanic. Fortunately, I did a whole bunch of different tools that I’ve learned and I was able to get myself back to a more stable mental state naturally.

For me that was a big win because in the past whenever I was hypomanic for more than a couple of days, it would escalate into mania and then I’d be in the hospital. I’ve learned a lot of natural tools that allow me to go from that hypomanic elevated state back to a more mentally stable state.When I’m not getting much sleep I know that mania is a definite possibility.

Do you have somebody to check in with you from time to time?

I’m really grateful to have an amazing support network. I have five people in my life that I can talk to at any time regarding my mental health. Having a solid support network is really beneficial and really crucial, so that’s what I rely on more and more.

It’s friends and family in my life that are my support network whom I’ll check in with.

Open Head and Open Ajna Centers

Being Open in your Head Center means you’re easily inspired by other people’s problems and when you’re choosing to solve the problems that you’re inspired to solve, it gives you energy and excitement to be of service to others through this.

Having an Open Ajna means you are able to sense the thoughts, mindsets, and beliefs of others, so you can relate to them more closely on a mental level.

Have you observed whether you were able to sense your client’s thoughts and limiting beliefs?

Yes, that is happening more and more for sure! If I have a gut feeling I’ll ask them: “I just had an intuitive hit would you mind if I share?”. If they say “yes”, quite often when I share what I sensed they were thinking or feeling is correct…not 100% of the time but more and more often. I do find that’s getting stronger and stronger. I’m able to sense either their beliefs or thoughts or feelings.

Will Center — Self-Care, Knowing your Value, and Willpower

You have a defined Will Center in which one out of seven people has! Do you find that you are clear about what you need and want to take good care of yourself?

Yes, self-care is something that’s only really gotten clear for me during the last couple years of my life. I’m at the point now where I know exactly what I desire, and I know exactly what helps me. I know if I’m starting to get off track it’s often self-care that will bring me back to being on track.

In terms of my values and what I desire, I feel very clear on that. I’m not a material person. I’m much more focused and grateful to make a difference in someone’s life than to make a lot of money.

Do you feel that having this clarity has helped you in your business when you are clear about the value of the services you provide to others?

Up to this point, it hasn’t. I’ve only gotten that clear very recently, in the last few months. So up to this point, it hasn’t helped my business. I do see it helping my business moving forward. I did find that previously, I was pretty scattered and I was really not sure of myself or the value that I was bringing to people.

(Bingz: Ah it is probably because there is a misalignment in your energy centers and that is why the healthy characteristics of the Will Center were not expressed properly in your past.)

Defined Identity Center — Embracing who you are

You have a Defined Identity Center, which means who you are, your sense of self doesn’t change much all your life.

Do you feel that it’s difficult to try to blend in with other people and you feel this need to find the right place and the right people who will embrace you for who you are?

I always knew that I didn’t fit in and I actually saw that as a really negative thing until probably two years ago. It’s like “oh man I’m strange!” I can’t just hang out with the big crowd and pretend it’s all great. Don’t get me wrong, I do like people!

In the last few years I’ve become more and more comfortable with myself, and I embrace more and more of who I am and my unique nature.

The more I’ve learned about how I’m unique, why I’m unique and what my strengths are, I’ve met more and more people who are aligned with how I think.

The interesting thing is that as I’ve embraced my unique self more including what my values are, I’ve become friends with an increasing number of people who are embracing both spiritual growth and energy work.

I do find that my social circle is continually expanding in a good way. This includes not only local people but also people from other parts of Canada as well as other parts of the world. I recently joined an online men’s group where we meet every Thursday evening and all of us are embracing our unique selves. We’re all focused on personal growth in that group, along with being authentic and being real. All of us are interested in getting to know one another more, so that’s been really cool.

Before COVID-19 happened I was working as a server, and in that case, I definitely was not fitting in. Once in a blue moon someone would want to know what I had to say but not very often. I was like an outsider, and I embraced it. It was what it was.

With certain groups that I’m part of now, I meet people who really have a desire to get to know me and vice versa, so that’s really interesting.

(Bingz: Yes the Identity Center is actually also known as a magnetic monopole, so it’s like a magnet with only one pole, so it continually attracts people and situations to you. And the quality of the things and people that we attract depends on how much we embrace ourselves.

So what you just described is a very apt description of how this magnetic monopole works!)


We covered many other aspects of his Human Design Chart — the interview/reading went on for an hour! Here is what Scott said about what he benefited most from this session:

This reading assisted me in recognizing how far I’ve come in so many ways. That includes being more comfortable and confident in myself, embracing my true nature, and continuing to learn about my uniqueness in different ways.

Thank you SO much for doing this reading Bingz it was truly beneficial for me!

I find Scott Walker very inspiring as he uses his natural tools, techniques, and personal support system to keep himself mentally stable and medication-free for almost ten years. He has learned to embrace his emotions, practicing proper self-care, and by embracing his unique self, he has attracted more and more like-minded friends from all over the world.

I love that Scott also uses his sensitivity in his Open Head and Open Ajna as a gift in his wellness coaching with his clients as well.

You can connect with him at:



Bingz Huang
Human Design by Bingz

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.