Interview and mini Human Design chart analysis | 1/3 Splenic Manifestor

It Is Healing and Empowering To Express Your Authentic Voice

How a Children’s Voice Facilitator found her own authentic voice and is now nurturing children authors to find their authentic voices

Bingz Huang
Human Design by Bingz
6 min readNov 17, 2021


Artwork by Yuanhui Chen for Stories by Children. Used with permission

Yuanhui Chen is a multi-talented friend who illustrated the book cover for my first book — Empower Your Life with Gentleness, and created many more whimsical illustrations for my poetry book — From the Womb of Gentleness. While Yuanhui was collaborating with me for our poetry book during November 2020, she was also in the midst of starting a new business close to her heart. As the Founder, Educator & Children’s Voice Facilitator at Stories By Children 小朋友写故事, she believes in nurturing children authors who, grounded in values and culture, effectively and expressively articulate their authentic visions through language and art.

I love that she’s a Human Design Manifestor, in which only 9% of the human population are! To me, her vision and mission for Stories By Children clearly show her gift and purpose as a Manifestor.

We met over Zoom so I could explain her chart to her, and have her share what it was like expressing various aspects of her chart. With her permission, I’d like to share more about Yuanhui’s personal growth and energetic gifts through a mini Human Design chart analysis.

Photo of Yuanhui Chen. Used with permission by Yuanhui.

How Yuanhui’s vision is connected to her chart

Here’s Yuanhui’s Human Design chart. You can generate your chart for free using your birth data at this link. I will be sharing my interpretation of just a few aspects of her chart.

Yuanhui’s Human Design chart. Used with permission.

I’ve briefly described what being a Manifestor is like in this previous article.

Building a legacy to pass on to future generations

Our Human Design Profile reveals how we learn and interact with others in life. For Yuanhui, her Profile is 1/3. Her Conscious Line 1 shows that she has a very internal focus to build a deep foundation of knowledge that’s meant to evolve even beyond her lifetime to benefit future generations too.

And her Unconscious Line 3 shows how she tends to embody a variety of life experiences that she might not expect to experience. This includes the disappointments and setbacks in her life. When she embraces and learns from what didn’t work out in her life, she’s able to pass on this wisdom to others so they don’t need to walk out the same paths that didn’t work well.

Realigning to her powerful Throat Center

Even though Yuanhui is naturally wired as a Manifestor to initiate conversations and influence others through sharing her wealth of creative ideas, she wasn’t encouraged to express herself authentically as a child.

Her intuition spoke to her clearly for the first time when she was 19 years old. She was told to use art as a modality to bring healing to others. But soon she got caught up in her usual life again until she received another strong intuitive message guiding her to use art to help those who cannot speak, to speak.

“In my life, it has always been about how to bring up this authentic expression, this authentic voice, through art…I started my own healing journey in 2010. Only now, I’m fully living my life…If I can help a child remember that, ‘hey this is your voice hear it loud and clear — this is how you access it. Learn it when you’re young so that when you are navigating your life, you’d always know how to come back to your inner voice.” ~Yuanhui Chen

She is aware of how important it is to be able to freely express ourselves without feeling judged or overly criticized, and sometimes this might involve sharing this intention with her students’ parents as well.

Her Throat Center has two defined channels:

  • 11/56 is about sharing ideas through stories. Can you see how that’s connected to Stories by Children?
  • 21/45 is the Money Line and it shows how she is aware of the money she needs to support this venture.

Realigning to her Defined Will Center

Approximately only 1 out of every 7 people is defined in the Will Center, which is an energy motor that supplies us the willpower to keep going even when the going gets tough. As long as Yuanhui commits to putting her heart into a specific project, she will put in the time and effort to get it done. But she also needs to rest in order to ‘refill’ her willpower reserves for future projects.

Perhaps this is why since she was two years old, her mom brought her to a baby competition in which she won. Since then, she had to keep winning all sorts of competitions throughout her childhood and was punished if she didn’t win. She felt worn out by the endless number of competitions she had to win. And from the Human Design point of view, I think her Will Center didn’t have time to rest and recuperate.

Realigning to her Defined Spleen Center

People who have healthy Defined Spleen Centers radiate a sense of vitality and safety to people around them. When they are able to sense and follow their consistent and strong survival instincts, they feel safe and secure enough to be present in each moment.

Yuanhui shared that her father was very dictatorial in his parenting style. As she is naturally sensitive with 4 Undefined/Open Energy Centers (shown as white in her chart) with strong survival instincts, she was in fear most of the time and would just focus on obeying her father’s commands to appease him.

It took her over a decade of conscious healing work for her to finally know who she is and to feel safe and comfortable being her true self, now at 40 this year. She and her parents still love one another, now with an added layer of mutual understanding and acceptance.

Closing Notes

I hope this gives you an idea of what it’s like to read the basic elements of a Human Design chart, and more importantly, appreciate how our challenges and gifts can be read from our charts.

It’s so amazing to witness Yuanhui’s journey to realigning more to her Human Design chart and how she shines her passion through her creative venture. I feel blessed to have my two older boys benefit from her patient guidance and expert facilitation to help them explore and honor their authentic creativity.

Thank you, dear Yuanhui, for allowing me to share your mini chart analysis, and for being so generous in sharing what it’s like to express your energetic blueprint throughout the years.

If you’d like to connect with Yuanhui, do visit her website here.

If you’d like to find out more about your gifts and challenges through a basic Human Design chart reading, do feel free to find out more about my approach here.



Bingz Huang
Human Design by Bingz

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.