Photo by and courtesy of Paul Rifkin

PILGRIMS: 50 Years of Anti-Nuclear Mass: An Oral History



Thank you to all those who gave interviews for this edition, and to all those who have been a part of this story in some way over the past 50 years. The following appear in Pilgrims (in alphabetical order):

BILL ABBOTT (lawyer, co-founder of Plymouth County Nuclear Information Center)

DAVID AGNEW (anti-nuclear activist, co-founder of Cape Downwinders)

CHRISTOPHER BESSE (Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency spokesman)

SUSAN CARPENTER (activist with Cape Downwinders)

MARY CONATHAN (activist with Cape Downwinders)

ELAINE DICKINSON (activist with Cape Downwinders)

PINE DUBOIS (executive director of Jones River Watershed Association, president and executive director of Jones River Landing)

PAUL GUNTER (director of Beyond Nuclear’s Reactor Oversight Project, co-founder of the Clamshell Alliance)

JOYCE JOHNSON (Falmouth-based anti-nuclear activist)

MARY LAMPERT (director of Pilgrim Watch)

HEATHER LIGHTNER (president of Concerned Neighbors of Pilgrim, citizen representative on the Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel)

BILL MAURER (retired engineer and activist with Cape Downwinders)

PATRICK O’BRIEN (senior communications specialist at Entergy Pilgrim Station)

PAUL RIFKIN (activist with Cape Downwinders)

ED RUSSELL (lawyer, activist, Plymouth resident)

DIANE SCRENCI (senior public affairs officer at Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

MEG SHEEHAN (environmental lawyer)

MARGARET STEVENS (activist with Cape Downwinders)

SARAH THACHER (longtime anti-nuclear activist, member of Cape Downwinders)

DIANE TURCO (co-founder of Cape Downwinders)

LARRY TYE (former Boston Globe reporter)



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