An exploration of the intersection of early innovation and mob violence in Boston

BINJ Reports
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2016


The downside of being a brilliant pioneer is often, or at least has been throughout history that in the early stages of your career you tend to be branded a bullshitter, labeled a liar and a heretic or worse. Unlike in contemporary culture, where the description “on the spectrum” is increasingly used as a term of endearment and the nerds are gaining ground, the Boston of years past was prone to savagely crucifying its geniuses.

As BINJ strives to serve a historical mission for the purpose of informing future generations, this particular installment can count as a warning to those who dare to dream. Even in a hyper-technological society that prays at the Apple Store altar, it’s still important to attend to forces that may want to tear you down and disrupt your disruption.


At the sake of sounding like a motivational audio book, it’s worth noting that icons are rarely remembered for their failures. In the case of Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor is best…



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