Angular vs React: Choose the Better Framework for Frontend Development

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6 min readAug 27, 2021
Angular vs React Framework for Frontend Development

For the last few years, web apps have been trending all over the world for a reason. For example, it doesn’t require users to download the application just like native apps, which makes it easily accessible while eliminating the need for end-user maintenance and storage capacity. What else? Web applications receive security and software updates automatically, which keeps them up-to-date and free of security breaches. But have you ever thought about how a web application is created? Well, Angular and ReactJS are two popular tools that are used for modern web application development. Now, how to know which one is the most suitable for your project and why? To get a deep understanding of Angular vs React Frontend Framework, all you need to do is go through this piece of content thoroughly:

What is React?

React is a front-end JavaScript library that lets you develop user interfaces using reusable UI components. This particular framework uses server-side rendering to offer a flexible and performance-oriented solution. It also enables developers to design seamless UX and complicated UI according to a top React Native app development company. Since React features the “Learn Once, Write Anywhere” approach, it has become the optimum choice for developers to create quick and scalable applications. In fact, as per a leading market analysis tool maker, 41,465,772 websites are powered by React, and an additional 8,396,297 sites used React historically.

What are the Key Features of ReactJS?

  • Making the most of declarative views facilitates debugging.
  • Easy migration between multiple variants
  • More predictable and reusable code
  • Decreased development time and increased developer’s productivity
  • Appropriate for mobile development and using React Native

What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source JavaScript front-end framework created and handled by the Angular team of Google. It is the most famous client-side framework that comes in handy in building scalable and high-performing mobile and web applications by tapping HTML, CSS, and TypeScript. The most recent version of Angular is Angular 13 which provides enterprise-level web app development solutions in accordance with a top Angular development company. According to the finest lead generation tool maker out there, 350,755 live websites are using Angular at the moment and an additional 246,724 used Angular historically.

What are the Key Features of Angular?

  • Simple to develop, manage, test, and update
  • Support for views irrespective of browser-side rendering
  • Server-side rendering takes place swiftly
  • Built-in functionalities include Rxjs and AngularCLI
  • Robust encapsulation and a proper application framework

Top 5 Parameters to Perform Angular vs React Frontend Framework Comparison

Top 5 Parameters to Perform Angular vs React Frontend Framework Comparison

#1 Learning Curve


Using its Model-View-Controller architecture and TypeScript, Angular provides a structured approach which leads to a steeper learning curve for users not aware of such concepts.


On the other hand, the frontend framework for web development like React uses a component-based architecture and takes advantage of JavaScript, making it effortless to understand, especially for people with a robust foundation in JavaScript.

#2 Components and Size


When it comes to the Angular vs React frontend framework comparison, you must know that Angular works on a real Document Object Model and follows the MVC pattern. Besides that, this framework follows bidirectional data flow and is large (92KB) compared to React.


On the flip side, React works on a virtual Document Object Model, which is a lightweight version of a real DOM. It follows unidirectional data flow and the size of React (46KB) is smaller than Angular.

#3 Architecture


It performs a clear separation of concerns with the help of the MVC pattern, fostering well-organized code and simplifying maintenance for large-scale projects.


It taps a component-based architecture, where reusable components contain UI and functionality. And this method promotes flexibility and quick UI development, according to top app development companies.

#4 Suitability for Different Projects


The strong structure and data binding features of Angular help in creating complicated single-page applications and enterprise-level web applications that require scalability and maintainability.


ReactJS excels in developing dynamic UI with frequently changing data. Its component-based architecture fosters modularity and reusability, making it highly suitable for interactive web functionalities and complicated UI elements when it comes to Angular vs React frontend framework comparison.

#5 Performance

Coming to the performance aspect, you will be glad to know that both Angular and React are optimized for performance.


Likely to shine in complicated Single Page Applications with ahead-of-time compilation and granular change identification.


Slightly faster for simple applications because of the smaller bundle size and virtual Document Object Model.

Therefore, the experts of top web app development companies suggest focusing on the developer’s experience and project needs when selecting a suitable framework. Because performance difference is almost negligible for a large number of web applications.

Also Read: Types of Frontend Testing

5 Use Cases of Angular vs React Frontend Framework That You Must Understand

5 Use Cases of Angular vs React Frontend Framework That You Must Understand

1. Large Enterprise Application (Angular)

Developing a complicated web application for an organization, such as a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system or an internal dashboard needs a strong framework like Angular. Its opinionated structure and built-in functionalities, like services, modules, and dependency injection, offer a powerful foundation to handle large-scale projects. The two-way data binding and powerful CLI (Command Line Interface) features of this framework facilitate development tasks, while its TypeScript support makes sure of type safety and improved code maintainability. Above all, the scalable ability of Angular makes it the best choice for accommodating growing business needs and managing complicated data flows when it comes to Angular vs React frontend framework comparison.

2. Social Media Application (React)

To build a social media platform, having an excellent framework at your disposal is necessary that can manage real-time updates and user interactions smoothly like ReactJS development services. The digital DOM of React reconciles UI changes effectively, making sure of a seamless and responsive experience in dynamic apps, like social media platforms. Using the component-based architecture of React, software developers can develop reusable UI components for functionalities, like:

3. eCommerce Platform (React)

Designing a dynamic and user-centric online store requires a framework like React, which is globally popular for its flexibility and component-centric architecture. The declarative approach of React enables developers to put UI elements into reusable components, simplifying the development of customizable and interactive shopping experiences. One of the functionalities, like React Hook, is among the best benefits of ReactJS, which allows state management and side-effect handling, which is important for implementing functionalities, such as seamless product filtering and interactive add-to-cart actions.

4. Single-Page Application with Offline Functionality (Angular)

Creating a complicated Single-Page Application that stays functional even without internet connectivity demands a framework like the Angular 12 version, provided with functionalities for offline support. The service worker support of Angular allows development professionals to implement Progressive Web App (PWA) features, like caching resources and managing network requests, making sure of a smooth user experience even in offline mode.

5. Progressive Web App (Both)

Building a web application that looks and feels like native and can be installed on the device of users for offline access can be accomplished using both Angular vs React frontend framework. Angular provides a structured approach to building progressive web applications, making the most of features, such as service workers and Angular Universal for server-side rendering to improve performance and reliability. On the other side, React offers flexibility in embracing PWA features, enabling developers to pick from a wide range of libraries and tools, like Workbox for service worker management and Next.js for server-side rendering. In that case, it doesn’t matter whether you prefer Angular’s holistic ecosystem or React’s flexibility, both frameworks allow the progressive web application development that offer a native-like experience to users across various devices.

Keep Reading: Python Frameworks for Web App Development

In a Nutshell

The competition between Angular vs React frontend framework isn’t a no-brainer. Going with the best choice among both depends specifically on your project requirements. Wondering how? Well, if you pay attention to structure, scalability, and maintainability for complicated apps, Angular is the one that might fit your bill. However, if flexibility, quick UI development, and a massive community of users are your top concerns, ReactJS could tick all the right boxes.

Irrespective of your decision, both Angular and ReactJS are feature-rich tools for creating excellent web applications as per top web app development companies.

Originally published at on August 27, 2021.



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