Legacy App Modernization in Manufacturing Industry | Binmile

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6 min readFeb 8, 2023
Legacy App Modernization in Manufacturing Industry

Smart manufacturing has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering manufacturers enhanced productivity and improved quality while reducing costs. Legacy application modernization helps make this possible by integrating advanced technologies into existing systems for a more efficient process.

Legacy system modernization offers organizations the opportunity to leverage advanced technologies and gain a competitive edge. By application modernization and modernizing existing software, businesses can enjoy improved user experience, additional features/functionalities, and better performance — all of these benefits come at a cost however, with careful planning, this outlay is often worthwhile.

Through this blog, we will explore the concept of smart manufacturing and automation and discuss some of the benefits that organizations can realize by modernizing their legacy systems with application modernization services.

Let us get started.

What is Smart Manufacturing?

Smart manufacturing is a form of manufacturing infrastructure that utilizes technology and automation to its maximum potential. It is designed to connect manufacturing processes, machines, and products with the internet in order to optimize resources, improve the quality and accuracy of production, and create cost savings.

Recent studies indicate the global market for smart manufacturing is set to grow from $277.81 billion in 2022 to $658.41 billion in 2029, with a constant CAGR of 13.1%.

Smart manufacturing encompasses both the traditional manufacturing process within the ‘ smart factory’ as well as many analytics-driven techniques which are used to continuously monitor and improve machine performance. This modern approach allows manufacturers to have unprecedented control over their operations, from suppliers all the way through to partners on the shop floor.

Smart Manufacturing — Pros and Cons

Smart manufacturing is the digitization of manufacturing that is revolutionizing manufacturing infrastructure. It allows for greater efficiency due to computer-controlled systems and automation while reducing costs by removing human labor. However, smart manufacturing also presents a heightened risk of cyber-attack due to increased reliance on modern communication technology.

Additionally, the costs associated with system integration and maintenance could be rather high, which would reduce profits for manufacturing companies. Ultimately, the pros and cons of smart manufacturing need to be weighed in order for manufacturing outfits to decide if investing in a smart factory or production line is worth it.

The Future of Smart Manufacturing

In conjunction with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Smart Factories, which connect industrial devices to the internet, the sheer volume of real-time data or big data is set to enable Industry 4.0 and significantly alter how contemporary manufacturing infrastructure operates.

Some ways smart factories and smart manufacturing can alter the quality of standardization include -

  • Several manufacturers are capable of producing zero waste and reducing time-to-market. Smart manufacturing and automation have a number of important benefits, including effortless monitoring, waste reduction, and increased production. With the help of this technology, businesses may now get dependable goods quickly and for a significantly reduced price, with enhanced standardized quality.
  • The use of smart manufacturing can lessen the need for human labor, especially in difficult locations. In the past, quality control procedures have relied on human involvement. Even so, it’s anticipated that these smart factory systems will become more and more popular in challenging production environments due to their increased accessibility and user-friendly controls.
  • In recent years, manufacturers have harnessed the power of networked computing to enhance their production facilities. It is likely that advanced automation technologies will become more prevalent in the coming years due to the increasing need for real-time information, better operation, and scheduling control, as well as increased use of Big Data analytics. The use of big data analytics is likely to improve supply chains and complex procedures.

Legacy System Modernization: What is it?

Legacy system modernization refers to the task or process of upgrading a manufacturing infrastructure that has become outdated, such as legacy ‘brownfield’ applications and manufacturing processes. This focuses on modernizing older equipment across the manufacturing value chain, from production tools to decision-making systems, with newer technologies.

These new technologies can include Industry 4.0 concepts such as smart manufacturing, connected customers, and great collaboration within the manufacturing ecosystem toward a Smart Factory space for better productivity. Legacy System Modernization can provide a path for manufacturing companies to become competitive in the digital age, unlock greater efficiency and boost their production capabilities for the future.

Also Read: 8 Step Guide to Legacy Software Modernization

Why Modernize Your Legacy Systems?

Modernizing legacy systems is of crucial importance for manufacturing infrastructure, allowing businesses and industries to keep pace with the competitive global economy. Smart manufacturing and smart factories can leverage technological advancements, such as cloud computing and big data analytics, to not only enhance operational efficiency and manage costs but also remain agile in responding to changing customer demands and market conditions.

An upgraded manufacturing environment enabled by the modernization of legacy systems will reduce maintenance costs over time and improve safety as well as compliance with regulations while enhancing the ability of companies to respond quickly to ever-evolving business opportunities.

Benefits of Legacy Application Modernization

As businesses modernize, their capabilities are boosted. Modernizing a company can help it adopt agile approaches, enhance omnichannel capabilities, put security elements in place, and boost personalization.

A few reasons why application modernization services are beneficial:

1. Enhanced Security Risk Mitigation

Staying updated with the latest technology is essential in order to reduce security risks associated with legacy systems. Through application modernization services, businesses can upgrade their applications and take full advantage of modern features while minimizing vulnerabilities found in outdated programs.

With these measures taken periodically through proper auditing processes, companies are able to increase their risk mitigation strategies as they transition away from risky legacy technologies towards more secure options.

2. Adaptable to New Features

Out-of-date technologies can leave organizations struggling to keep up with the rapid advancement in digital transformation. The good news is companies don’t have to be left behind!

Application modernization services let businesses bring legacy systems into a contemporary era and achieve maximum efficiency — from an updated user interface for smarter experiences all the way through scalability and better integration across complex technology solutions. It’s time we say goodbye to vintage architectures — upgrade your app infrastructure now!

As a result, businesses have access to increased predictability, reliability, and risk mitigation, significantly improving existing application performance levels.

3. Increased Productivity

Embracing digital transformation can be intimidating — but with the help of legacy system modernization, businesses don’t need to fear getting left behind. Streamlined processes, improved data accuracy, and access to modern applications mean that employees have all the tools they need for maximum productivity; meanwhile, cost savings from cloud computing enables organizations to maximize their profits as well! It’s a win-win situation that provides absolutely unbeatable benefits.

4. Increased ROI

By leveraging cutting-edge application modernization services, businesses can increase their ROI and gain a competitive edge. These powerful tools offer more efficient maintenance and development processes, reducing the time and energy needed to keep operations running smoothly.

Furthermore, cloud-based solutions such as DevOps enable quick scalability without expensive refresh cycles — meaning greater returns for lower financial strain! With these advantages in mind, it’s clear that modernizing legacy systems is one of the best ways to optimize profitability today.

5. Better Customer Experience

Upgrading legacy systems is essential for businesses that desire to provide the ultimate customer experience. By modernizing these outdated technologies, companies make it possible to integrate and refine features of their applications — leading to a better overall user journey.

Through application modernization services, organizations can unlock various options, such as migration capabilities that optimize performance, plus new sources of data are made available through analytics that offers invaluable insights into customers’ habits and desires in order to stay ahead of changing demands from consumers.

Summing Up

Advanced application modernization services create opportunities for businesses to make a true digital transformation. With smart manufacturing and application modernization services, businesses can revamp their operations in order to improve functionality, scalability, and security while remaining platform-independent and cost-effective.

One of the best digital transformation companies, Binmile allows businesses to quickly and effectively modernize existing applications that don’t support new technologies, including trends such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) without having to start from scratch.

With specially curated application modernization services, you get cost savings in log-run from improved application performance, increased user satisfaction, scalability, and reduced risks.

Binmile puts your organization on the path to success with advanced application modernization so you can stay ahead of the competition.

Get in touch today!

Originally published at https://binmile.com on February 8, 2023.



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