The Future of Augmented Reality in EdTech

Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2022
AR technology in EdTech | Binmile

Augmented reality (AR) is the most recent tool educators use to enhance students’ learning experience. It makes the learning process fun and interactive by engaging students. It blends interactive digital elements with the real-world environment like visual overlays and haptic feedback. Gone are the days when classrooms and blackboards were the only means to interact in classes. Now, education technology (EdTech) has given businesses and educational institutions numerous opportunities. This blog highlights the role and future of Augmented Reality in technology education with unique benefits for all.

AR Technology in EdTech

AR in education means the growing use of the latest technology in classrooms by creating an immersive and unique learning opportunity. AR in education means integrating digital information in students’ environments in real-time. AR shapes and prepares future leaders for coping with futuristic demands. It introduces a new education method using a curriculum and methodology. Now, AR enables students to gain new knowledge via experiencing screen touching and doing things in real-time. It makes teaching efficient and fun for all with a few applications, including

  • Allows learning and discovery
  • Interactive e-books
  • Objects’ modeling
  • Scenario for simulation-based learning
  • Skills training and gamification

The functionality of AR technology

With the digitization of college and competitive learning, EdTech companies have realized the growing role of AR as a value-added service with improved engagement. AR improves the real-world environment with graphics, multimedia, text, and sound effects. It covers about 75% existing reality and 25% digital reality. It integrates virtual objects into the real world but does not replace your environment with the virtual.

When it comes to the functionality of AR in education, there are three types of AR technology that determine their functionality.

  1. Location-based AR — It displays required information on the geographical location of any device.
  2. Superimposition-based AR — It lets users replace the actual image by adding new elements to the current viewpoint.
  3. Projection-based AR — In this technology, the software sends light to an object that generates an interactive dashboard in a real-time environment.

Benefits of augmented reality in education

Augmented classrooms (marker-based AR apps in conventional classrooms) and augmented homework (assigning worksheets to students by teachers) are the unique ways to incorporate AR into the education sector. Despite the rapid growth of AR, some people still believe that AR is too futuristic, highly expensive, and difficult to use. In reality, AR comes with loads of benefits for institutes, learners, educators, and publishers. Here is a list of benefits that AR is likely to offer.

  • increased engagement and collaboration capabilities
  • immersive and compelling learning system with visuals and immersive content
  • hands-on learning approaches to increase engagement
  • improved learning experience helping students learn and practice skills
  • less tiring classes with spruced up interest
  • bring lesion to life by helping students remember vital details
  • create memorable interactives
  • lower educational costs by replacing expensive textbooks

Although there is a long list of AR benefits for all, lack of funding, bulky AR equipment, and the value of AR educational content are some common reasons for the slow adoption of AR technology.

Future of augmented reality (AR) in education

AR has earned immense traction in the education industry in the last decade. This trend is going to increase manifolds. AR brings and enhances benefits for educators, institutions, learners, and content publishers. AR plays a vital role in the education and training industry by allowing them to

  • acquire knowledge through deep learning
  • improve the learning process via a new approach
  • develop critical thinking and analysis of students and professionals
  • increase the curiosity about the subject
  • render students an engaging and quintessential experience
  • take over science subjects with practicality

Augmented reality delivers new levels of immersion for all students, irrespective of their ages. According to ABI Research, the AR EdTech market will likely touch the mark of $5.3 billion by 2023. Moreover, VR headsets sales could reach $640 million by 2023. Like AR, VR is also supposed to impact EdTech massively. Overall, the AR market will reach $6,139 billion by 2023, and innovation in the EdTech industry will render immense benefits to the upcoming generation.

AR is a hi-tech trend in the EdTech sector. Another report from global research company Statista estimates that the AR market in the education field can witness USD 0.7 billion by 2025. This market size will steadily grow owing to the tremendous AR potential in the education sector.

When we talk about the future of augmented reality in education, AR is likely to improve learners’ involvement, content engagement, intellectual curiosity, knowledge base, and learning interest. Today, publishers are integrating AR into digital content. It will be essential to know the skills needed to make the most out of augmented reality in 2022.

Along with some unique AR benefits in education, there are some specific challenges that the education industry might face and overcome in education and training. These include the high cost of hardware and devices, downloading with stable connections, and profitability issues.


Nowadays, AR is becoming a more accessible and prevalent technology with mobile technologies and hardware advances. With the above discussion, it seems that AR has enormous potential in the education sector. So, it is also the right time to invest in emerging technology. AR is cost-effective and accessible in education. It is also suitable for increasing the visualization process. With better visual processing, this 3D model environment of AR can transform the face of learning.

All EdTech companies, schools, colleges, and universities can significantly leverage this technology to change the education sector. It is also vital to eliminate any technical hassles that prevent your education business from growing up. That is why a custom software development company involved in AR technology can eliminate any technical issues concerning your business.

Binmile harnesses emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to scale your learning experience in the training and education sector.

Originally published at on June 7, 2022.



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