Accelerating the future of workforce well-being.

Jacky Ho (Wei Ho)
Bio Union
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2021
Photo from Pixbay

On a new day, an ordinary morning. John’s phone is alarming. John is awake physiologically, but he is trying to ignore everything around him. Feeling exhausted, boring, and overthinking about work. A 30 minutes later, John finally got out of his bed. It’s just one picture of Johns’s daily work life. A two years ago, once he got hired, he was different, energetic, and full of willingness.

The question here is, what would make an employee suffer mentally because of a job? Leading to affect every single aspect of human life. Widely, the minimum working hours is 8 hours, which represents on third of the day. That’s in good standing, too many people exceed the stander and some studying after job. This reflects we spend much of our life at work, and we communicate with work colleagues more than any other social communication.

Let back to John’s case, what we can do to make the workplace a more convenient environment for the employees, considering mental health and linking it with productivity. The recent big change in measuring job satisfaction and drawbacks of old methods. Positively enforce an employer to find more efficient means:

Engaging employees in decisions making.

Encouraging employees to show their opinion professionally instead of an individual decision results in enhancing their loyalty to the business. And according to that, the employee contributions to organization goals will be met and aligned. Employee engagement doesn’t stop at one thing. it can also be financial, educational, and so on.

Neurodiversity matters!

A new business philosophy; neurodiversity is not mean dealing unequally. It’s about the utilization of psychology in understanding the employee needs.

If those methods are effective, can we measure employee satisfaction easily?

Biased conventional ways, either verbally or in nonverbal surveys, raise the issue and wither to apply other technologies to overcome the dilemma.

New indirect methods using health vital signs?

Is it possible? Once you have an appointment, you just do an initial screening, including blood pressure, heart rate, fever, and oxygen saturation. It lasts for less than a minute. That’s it!

If some of the vital signs are linked with mood, fight and flight situations, which turn on by sympathetic system activity when you have harsh events, anger, grief, anxiety, and goes on.

Using the wearable device!

Bio Union, is a company that specializes in wearable devices. Bio Union offers The Innovative Wearable (or “Dressable” ?) ECG Smart Clothing. Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG) is the process of recording the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time using electrodes placed over the skin. And ECG is changing according to the current situation, especially the heart rate in normal populations.

So, it can be used for many purposes like physical activity, heart health indicators, and as will be discussed in this article, the possibility to use in the workplace to verify whiter workplace environment is a suitable & mental health-friendly workplace.

The great thing about Bio Union ECG Smart Clothing, it also monitors your heart rate, breath rate, step count, and calories burned at all times.

Above all the features, it can help you relax when you feel stressed or fatigued. It will remind you to take deep breaths to relax. Those impressive features make the wearable device a good option to be implemented in the workplace to be healthy well-being.

Author : Jacky Ho & Yahya Laghbi



Jacky Ho (Wei Ho)
Bio Union

A designer and college instructor with an engineering background, who likes research and sharing knowledge.