Exploring the Potential of Direct Brain-Computer Communication in the Wake of FDA’s Disapproval of Neuralink Human Trials

Jacky Ho (Wei Ho)
Bio Union
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2023
Digital art by Wei “Jacky” Ho (myself)

BCIs are technologies that allow direct communication between the human brain and computers without the use of traditional input devices like a keyboard or mouse. BCIs detect and interpret electrical signals produced by the brain, which can then be used to control or receive feedback from computer systems. Many companies and research organizations are currently investigating the potential applications of this technology, which range from healthcare to entertainment.

Neuralink, founded by Elon Musk in 2016, is one of the most well-known companies in the field of BCIs. Neuralink’s goal is to create implantable BCIs that can be used to help people with neurological conditions or injuries regain function, as well as to improve human cognition and communication. The company has already conducted successful experiments with rats and monkeys, demonstrating the ability of their brains to control computers.

However, Neuralink’s plans for human trials have hit a snag. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) denied Neuralink’s request to conduct clinical trials of its implantable BCI in human patients in August 2021. The FDA’s decision was reportedly based on concerns about the technology’s safety and efficacy, as well as the possibility of adverse events such as brain bleeding or infection.

The US government has also invested in BCI research, with organisations such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) investigating the potential military applications of this technology. DARPA has several brain research programmes, including the Neural Engineering System Design programme, which aims to develop implantable neural interfaces for restoring sensory and motor function in disabled people. DARPA’s primary mission is to develop technologies with military and defence applications, though some of their research may have broader civilian applications as well.

BCIs have numerous potential applications in healthcare. BCIs, for example, could be used to help people with paralysis or other disabilities regain function by allowing them to control prosthetic limbs or other assistive devices directly with their brains. By delivering targeted electrical stimulation to specific areas of the brain, BCIs could also be used to treat neurological conditions such as epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, or chronic pain. Furthermore, BCIs could be used to track brain activity in real-time during surgeries or other medical procedures, providing doctors with useful information about brain function and improving patient outcomes.

Beyond healthcare, BCIs could be used in entertainment, education, and communication. BCIs, for example, could be used to create more immersive virtual reality experiences by allowing users to control virtual objects or interact with digital environments solely through their thoughts. BCIs could also be used to create new forms of communication, such as telepathy or brain-to-brain messaging, that circumvent traditional language barriers and improve human connection.

However, the development and use of BCIs raises ethical and privacy concerns. There is a risk that BCIs will be used for surveillance or mind control, or that personal data collected by BCIs will be misused or hacked. Furthermore, the use of invasive implantable devices raises concerns about informed consent, the risks and benefits of this technology, and equitable access to it.

In conclusion, brain-computer interfaces represent an exciting frontier in technology with potentially transformative applications in healthcare, entertainment, and communication. While there are ethical and privacy concerns that must be addressed, continued research and development in this field could lead to significant advances in our understanding of the brain and our ability to interact with computers and each other. The FDA’s disapproval of Neuralink’s human trials highlights the need for rigorous safety and efficacy testing before this technology can.



Jacky Ho (Wei Ho)
Bio Union

A designer and college instructor with an engineering background, who likes research and sharing knowledge.