How Supporting Smallholder Farmers Can Address Food Security and Climate Challenges

Fund a Farmer and contribute to positive social and environmental impact

Matt Rickard - COO @ Biochar Life
6 min readJul 16, 2024


One of our farmers in Phrao, North Thailand. Photo by

Smallholder farmers are often unsung heroes in the narrative of global agriculture. Despite their small scale, they are responsible for a substantial portion of the world’s food production, particularly in developing regions. As the world grapples with the dual challenges of ensuring food security and combating climate change, supporting these farmers is not just beneficial but essential.

Our Fund a Farmer initiative offers a pathway to aid these farmers in transitioning to sustainable practices like biochar production, which in turn enhances their productivity and environmental impact.

Smallholder Farmers: The Backbone of Global Food Security

A smallholder farmer typically operates on a relatively small piece of land, generally ranging from less than one hectare to about ten hectares. Using mostly traditional methods and family labour, these farmers cultivate crops and rear livestock. They are vital to global food security, especially in ensuring food availability in rural and remote areas where larger agricultural operations are less prevalent. Globally, there are 600 million smallholder farmers who are estimated to produce 28–31% of total crop production and 30–34% of the food supply on 24% of gross agricultural area.

Despite their pivotal role, smallholder farmers face numerous challenges that impede their efficiency and profitability. Limited access to advanced tools, technologies, financial services, and markets often keeps them trapped in a cycle of poverty. Additionally, these farmers are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, which disproportionately affects their yield and productivity due to their dependence on rain-fed agriculture and their limited capacity to adapt to changing climatic conditions.

As we advance our efforts in supporting smallholder farmers, it becomes increasingly clear that sustainable practices are not just beneficial but essential,” says Aom Kwanpiromtara Suksri, Co-Founder & Global Head of Development and Compliance at Biochar Life. “By integrating biochar into traditional farming, we’re not only enhancing soil health and crop productivity but are also significantly mitigating the adverse effects of climate change on vulnerable communities.

By addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by smallholder farmers, initiatives can empower them to increase productivity, move out of subsistence farming, and contribute more effectively to the global food market. Enhancing their access to resources and sustainable farming practices not only helps lift them out of poverty but also ensures a resilient food system. Initiatives that focus on these areas are critical for not just individual farmer prosperity but also for the health of the global community.

Agriculture and Climate Change

Agriculture stands at the crossroads of being both a victim of and a significant contributor to climate change. Traditional farming practices, especially those involving the clearing and burning of land, are substantial sources of carbon emissions, contributing to global warming. Simultaneously, the agricultural sector is adversely affected by the ramifications of climate change. Increased temperatures, altered rainfall patterns, and more frequent and severe extreme weather events are disrupting production, threatening food security, and increasing the vulnerability of farmers worldwide.

Introducing sustainable farming practices like the use of biochar is a vital step in mitigating these effects. Biochar not only reduces reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which are energy-intensive to produce and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, but it also enhances soil health. Healthy soils have better water retention and nutrient efficiency, reducing the need for irrigation and additional fertilizers which further helps to conserve resources.

Biochar also significantly contributes to carbon sequestration. When integrated into the soil, biochar binds carbon that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere as CO2, effectively locking it in the soil for centuries. This process not only reduces the overall carbon footprint of farming but also turns agricultural systems into potential carbon sinks rather than sources. By stabilising organic carbon in the soil, biochar makes a long-lasting impact on soil enhancement and climate change mitigation.

These sustainable practices herald a shift towards more resilient agricultural systems that can endure and adapt to the changing climate, ensuring food security and sustainability for future generations. By integrating biochar and other sustainable practices, agriculture can reduce its environmental impact and continue to serve as a foundation for food production without exacerbating climate change.

Smallholder Farmers Making Biochar

Biochar production is an innovative approach that transforms agricultural waste into a powerful tool against climate change. Through the Fund a Farmer initiative, farmers receive comprehensive training to convert leftover biomass, such as crop residues and animal manures, into biochar. This substance not only improves soil fertility and structure but also has the capability to store carbon long-term, effectively removing it from the atmosphere.

The benefits of biochar extend beyond environmental impact. For farmers, biochar production converts a previously unused or discarded product into a valuable commodity. This process not only adds an additional revenue stream but also reduces waste disposal costs. Moreover, biochar-enriched soils retain nutrients and water more efficiently, leading to reduced need for chemical fertilizers and enhanced crop resilience against drought and pests. This sustainable practice boosts farm productivity and sustainability, providing a win-win solution for both farmers and the environment.

Using biochar in this way is critical in regions where agricultural waste is typically burned, releasing significant amounts of carbon dioxide and particulate matter, PM2.5, into the atmosphere. Converting this waste into biochar, helps farmers mitigate these emissions, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier climate.

The Difference It Makes When We Support Smallholder Farmers

Supporting smallholder farmers through initiatives like Fund a Farmer creates a substantial impact that resonates on both local and global scales. This support not only boosts agricultural productivity and sustainability, thereby enhancing food security, but it also provides economic benefits by giving farmers the means to escape the cycle of poverty. Environmentally, it fosters practices that minimize harmful impacts on the earth and promote biodiversity. Socially, it empowers communities by equipping them with the tools and knowledge needed to sustain their livelihoods independently.

The Fund a Farmer initiative specifically aids in integrating smallholder farmers into the global agricultural framework more effectively. By providing targeted support, we can help these farmers adopt innovative agricultural practices such as biochar production, which has been proven to improve soil health and crop yields while reducing carbon footprints. These improvements not only help individual farmers but also contribute to broader environmental goals like climate change mitigation and soil conservation, which are essential for sustainable development.

Furthermore, when we invest in smallholder farmers, we are investing in the entire community. Successful farming operations can lead to thriving rural areas with improved access to education and healthcare due to increased local revenues. The adoption of sustainable farming practices also means healthier ecosystems and more robust food systems that can withstand the pressures of climate change.

Through Fund a Farmer, your contributions go directly toward funding these transformative changes. By supporting this initiative, you are not just aiding an individual farmer; you are fostering a healthier planet and a more equitable world where smallholder farmers have the opportunity to thrive and contribute to the global economy.

Call to Action: Fund a Farmer

Join us in making a tangible difference in the lives of smallholder farmers and the health of our planet by supporting the Fund a Farmer initiative. Your contribution will help fund the transition of farmers to biochar producers, empowering them with sustainable agricultural practices that increase their resilience and productivity. By doing so, you not only contribute to global food security but also to the fight against climate change.

Visit our website to learn more about how you can get involved and start making a real difference today. Together, we can empower farmers, improve ecosystems, and combat climate change, one farm at a time.



Matt Rickard - COO @ Biochar Life

Social entrepreneur, podcaster, writer, film-maker, rugby nut, dog lover - living in the north of Thailand