In Farmers’ Hands: Carbon Finance as an Economic Lifeline in East Africa

Matt Rickard - COO @ Biochar Life
Published in
4 min readAug 21, 2023


In today’s rapidly evolving world, addressing the challenges of climate change has become a global priority. Agriculture, a sector that’s both a victim of and a potential solution to climate crises, provides an ideal opportunity. East Africa, with it’s vast landscapes and agricultural dependency, are prime candidates for leading a transformative journey. Carbon finance, with its economic and environmental incentives, is a vital element thats required to steer this transformation.

Smallholder Farmers and Biochar: A Synergistic Approach

The agricultural landscape East Africa is predominantly shaped by smallholder farmers. While they might lack the sophisticated tools and techniques of larger enterprises, their collective might and localised knowledge are unparalleled. Their intimate knowledge of the land makes them vital players in introducing sustainable interventions.

Biochar, with its multi-faceted benefits, could be their key ally. This substance, which can be made from agricultural waste, serves a dual purpose. Its incorporation into soil boosts fertility and water retention, leading to enhanced yields. Concurrently, it acts as a carbon sink, mitigating the greenhouse gas emissions. Given the agricultural residue’s abundance in these regions, the production and application of biochar can be scaled significantly, turning waste into an asset.

Regenerative Farming and Social Impact: Reviving the Earth and its Inhabitants

Regenerative farming, characterised by its holistic approach, is slowly gaining traction in East Africa. By emphasising practices like agroforestry, cover cropping, and rotational grazing, it seeks to revive not just the soil, but entire ecosystems. The rejuvenation of land, coupled with increased productivity, can reshape the agriculture sector, making it both sustainable and profitable.

But the benefits of this agricultural transformation aren’t just ecological. They have profound social implications. As yields increase and lands prosper, communities enjoy better food security and economic stability. Moreover, the profits from carbon credits can be channeled into community projects, enhancing education, healthcare, and infrastructure. The act of safeguarding the environment, consequently, translates into elevating entire communities.

Carbon Conversations pod with Mart de Brujin of Dutch Carboneers

Pioneering Sustainability and the Global Perspective

The amalgamation of carbon finance and sustainable agricultural practices in East Africa is not just a regional success story. It’s a beacon for the world. As these regions showcase the viability of aligning economic growth with environmental conservation, they offer invaluable lessons for countries around the globe. Their successes and challenges provide a roadmap, highlighting the potential of carbon finance as a tool to reshape agriculture globally.

The Intersection of Tradition and Innovation

East Africa’s journey towards sustainable agriculture is a tale of tradition meeting innovation. The age-old wisdom of smallholder farmers, combined with modern sustainability solutions driven by carbon finance, is crafting a promising narrative.

At this juncture, where tradition and innovation intersect, lies a model for a future where prosperity doesn’t come at the expense of the planet. The dedication and resilience of the agricultural communities in East Africa, bolstered by the incentives of carbon finance, signify a hopeful trajectory towards a harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature — but more is needed!

Biochar Life: An Embodiment of Our Commitment to Sustainability

In our quest for tangible solutions to the pressing climate challenges, we at Biochar Life, are focused on empowering smallholder farmers with the necessary knowledge and tools to create biochar — a process that removes carbon for thousands of years whilst also dramatically improving their livelihoods. Some of our proud milestones over the past year include:

Geographical Impact: We’ve expanded our footprint, now operating actively across five countries, enhancing our global influence.

Carbon Offset Achievements: A significant milestone for us is the removal of 7,023t of CO2 from the atmosphere, showcasing our concrete efforts in climate action.

Educational Initiatives: Our dedication to educating communities bore fruit in Malawi, with 5,854 eager attendees participating in 108 insightful sessions. This initiative not only emphasises our commitment to knowledge dissemination but also the community’s enthusiasm for sustainable practices.

Championing Gender Equality: Of the many who attended our Malawi sessions, an impressive 68% were women. This demonstrates our unwavering commitment to fostering women’s active involvement in sustainable practices.

Beyond the Environment: At the heart of Biochar Life is our holistic vision. We’re not just focused on environmental milestones but are equally devoted to societal upliftment. Our endeavours consistently benefit smallholder farmer communities in developing countries, ensuring that sustainability and societal progress go hand in hand.

As we continue our journey in East Africa, each of these milestones fuels our drive, reminding us of the difference we’re making, and the vast potential that the future holds.

If you’d like more more information on how Biochar Life are working with smallholder farmers, get in touch for your free Carbon Village concept paper:



Matt Rickard - COO @ Biochar Life

Social entrepreneur, podcaster, writer, film-maker, rugby nut, dog lover - living in the north of Thailand