mRNA and the Future of Vaccines

Cell Crunch (Issue 2021.02.12)

Niko McCarty
Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2021


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The light microscope opened the first gate to microcosm. The electron microscope opened the second gate to microcosm. What will we find opening the third gate?

Ernst Ruska

📰 Bioengineering in the News

DNA is my love language.

THE mRNA POTENTIAL: mRNA vaccines can protect people from the novel coronavirus. In the future, they could protect people from much more. MIT Technology Review. Link

RIBOSOME REVIVAL: Ribosomes are exquisitely chaotic; pistons pumping, gears thrumming, they read through mRNA and spit out proteins with blistering pace. Now, scientists are modifying these machines to create new types of polymers. Chemical & Engineering News. Link (See my technical proposal to engineer ribosomes to create a ‘mirrored’ organism.)

NEANDERTHAL BRAINS: For a recent study, researchers expressed a Neanderthal gene in brain organoids — hundreds of thousands of human cells, grown in the lab, that ‘mimic’ normal brains — to understand its ancient function. That single gene “triggered striking changes in the anatomy and function of brain organoids,” writes Carl Zimmer in The New York Times. Link (Also reported in Scientific American and Science).



Niko McCarty
Editor for

Science journalism at NYU. Previously Caltech, Imperial College. #SynBio newsletter: Web: