We can modify genomes. Now what?

A Quick Glance at the Implications of Genome Modification

Jack Vailas
Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2020


Advancements in bio-innovation have altered our perception of human capability. The question of the 21st Century is no longer “Can we?” but “Should we?” Science fiction is becoming fact at an accelerated rate; therefore, these questions can’t be swept under the rug. While many advances warrant ethical consideration, we need to talk about the concerns pertaining to germline modification (GM). For the purposes of this discussion, GM refers to the intentional alteration of human germline DNA. This is often accomplished through the use of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, or (CRISPR)/Cas9 as its commonly called — a genomic modification technique enabling researchers to edit specific sections of DNA.

What do people think about genome modification?

There are a variety of ethical, political, and scientific positions that range from demanding a moratorium that would paralyze this kind of research to authorizing certain uses of GM. Those in favor promote the potential benefits of increasing future immune systems, decreasing the frequency of heritable diseases, and augmenting other research efforts. Those opposed to GM point to the dangers of accidentally…

