Why bioscience is so good for medicine

BioLife Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2018

Ever since the advent of proper medical science and massive drug industries, a rift has remained between chemical medicine on one extreme and holistic healing on the other. In many cases, chemical-based medications and treatments have emerged as the only scientifically, repeatable method of healthcare, though even most doctors will readily admit that the natural world has plenty to offer in the way of healing properties or at least healthy properties that can help prevent illness.

But advances in bioscience are helping to bring these two worlds together. Loosely defined, bioscience is the study of any life science including the different fields of biology. But one of the biggest and most important results of bioscience is medical innovation.

That’s because advances in bioscience bring with them a greater understanding of the human body and the way all life is constructed. While certain chemicals or more “unnatural” treatments may still prove to be exactly what the body needs in certain circumstances, approaching medicine through the lens of bioscience bases all healthcare on scientific knowledge of the natural world.

This kind of medical innovation saves lives, naturally. New treatments for illnesses like cancer mean higher survival rates while cures for other illnesses prolongs life. According to CDC statistics, medical advancements have added 5 years to life expectancy in the United States between 1980–2010. Death rates have also dropped dramatically.

But groundbreaking medical achievements have another, equally important benefit: saving money. Of course, life is far more important than the money itself, but more effective and efficient treatments mean more affordable treatments that are available to a wider number of patients from every end of the economic spectrum.

That’s why BioLife has built an ecosystem based on distributed ledger technology (DLT) with the aim of supporting bioscience medical research and improving healthcare across the board. DLT isn’t a medical advance per se — it can be applied in unique was to a diverse set of industries all across the globe, but BioLife is applying it as a huge leap forward in medical administration and therefore healthcare as a whole.

BioLife allows patients to establish medical profiles based on DLT with complete security. The resulting database of unalterable profiles is a huge boon for researchers desperate for quality medical data while patients benefit from greater efficiency and precision in the care they receive. With these kinds of profiles, patients can even receive care in other countries without anything being lost in translation.

Transparency and unprecedented data security are finally being introduced to healthcare through BioLife, providing the platform for medicine and bioscience to advance full steam ahead.

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