just an auckland med student
Biomed or Biodead?
Published in
1 min readDec 3, 2018

Turns out, my year was the second to last year ever to do UMAT — with 2018’s cohort being the last people to take the UMAT.

This means there is a whole new (but somewhat familiar) beast coming in July 2019 — the UCAT. Whilst I don’t have any insight into this test, because well, I haven’t sat it and I don’t know anyone who has; I think similar principles to UMAT will apply. Don’t take away your time from your core papers studying for UCAT. You will have plenty of time in the mid-year break to prepare if you think that you would benefit from preparing!

I would be interested to hear from you guys taking it in 2019 to see how you find it!

Best of luck!



just an auckland med student
Biomed or Biodead?

who wants to help out future years of students going through Biomedical Science at Auckland University in the hope of being accepted into medicine.