Application of Biometric Technology in Different Sectors

Noman Ahmed
Biometric Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2019

It’s not been so long, the Biometrics Technology flourished. But the origin of the technology was in ancient age when people were familiar with the fingerprint for individual identification. Since the last two decades, biometrics technology got exposed to mass people, and the scope of its application got new dimensions. The technology identifies humans by matching their unique physiological patterns like the fingerprint, iris/ retina, face, voice, vein, and gesture. In today’s fast-moving world different industries have adopted this technology for its errorless recognition in the fastest time.

Government Sector

The government needs to deal with all of its citizen for their identity, demographic data to ensure security and to provide other facilities. However, there remain chances of duplication, and it requires huge time along with expenses. So, the application of biometric technology being significantly used in the government sectors. Governments of almost all countries are using the technology to ensure fair distribution of services and resources to its citizen in below perspectives:

  • For citizen identification or Voter registration/identification
  • For public safety using criminal identification
  • For prisoner identification
  • For travelers identification at borders

Banking and Financial Institutions

Banking and financial sector are very sensitive in term of a secured transaction. Signature, PIN/ Password can be spoofed easily, and in such a way, the industry loses millions of dollars. To ensure secured transaction banking and financial institutions are adopting biometric technology to identify account holders, secure transactions and for KYC (Know Your Customers). Biometric technology also establishes a concrete audit trail to increase accountability against internal threats. Usage of biometrics in this industry increases reliability by identifying the account holder, non-account holder, and employee.


In any state, people avail healthcare facility, and for the purpose, they need to provide their demographic data and insurance information. Here lies the chance of duplication and data might be accessible by anyone. As a result, the quality healthcare service becomes a challenge. Biometrics Technology advances the quality of healthcare service in several ways by:

  • Identifying the right patient
  • By Allowing secure, remote and accurate access to patients medical history and treatment plan
  • Preventing duplicate entries
  • Keeping the personal information secured

Hospitality Management

Membership Management of any club or social community is sensitive as the members belong to such status whereas they required privacy in their personal information. Now biometric technology has been used in membership management which allows the members to feel comfortable Click to continue reading

