A Path Towards Zero-Net Energy Communities with The Rocky Mountain Institute

Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2015

Bioneers Resilient Communities Network Webinar Series

“A Path Towards Zero-Net Energy Communities with The Rocky Mountain Institute”

April 8, 2015 from 12:30–2:00 PST

View the archived webinar »

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Project Overview

As the reality of climate change increasingly enters our day-to-day lives, communities around the country are working to ensure a resilient future for themselves and their surroundings. One of the key challenges facing forward-thinking communities, both large and small, is how to transition to a reliable and clean energy supply. Our colleagues at the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), founded by frequent Bioneers speaker Amory Lovins, have become world class leaders in helping communities design and transform their energy systems.

As a direct result of partnering with RMI, the City of Fort Collins, CO recently announced their fast-track climate action plan, 20% emission reductions by 2020 and 80% by 2030 (relative to 2005 levels). 80% by 2030 is two decades sooner than most leading cities, representing a bold vision and leadership, which is very much needed today. Fort Collins initially worked with RMI through their “eLab Accelerator” program.

This webinar will cover some of the leading edges of community energy policy and transformation, moving from business as usual to zero-net energy and beyond. How did Ft. Collins get to where they are? Are there other cities and projects that can serve as models for the rest of the country? How can your community engage with the Rocky Mountain Institute and its networks to work towards these necessary goals?

Who should attend?

This webinar is for current members of the Bioneers Resilient Communities Network. For current members, please feel free to invite a selection of relevant leaders on energy issues in your community to participate. The presentation will not be wonky but will be at a high enough level that those versed in energy policy and activity will find it valuable.

Background Resources:

Bioneers Video: Amory Lovins Keynote Address

Bioneers Radio Show: Not Fate but Choice: Reinventing Fire for the Clean Energy Era

Bioneers Radio Show: Security by Design: Environmental Security is Homeland Security

The Rocky Mountain Institute

The City of Fort Collins Climate Action Announcement

RMI Research: Transforming How Communities Use Energy: Learning from Fort Collins

