Amory Lovins — Reinventing Fire | Bioneers

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1 min readOct 27, 2017

One of the world’s leading energy experts and visionaries, Amory Lovins makes a winning case for powering our future by “reinventing fire,” also the title of his 2012 book. Brimming with scientific data and a pithy and dry wit, he demonstrates the practical path away from our fossil fuel based economy. By integrating transportation, buildings, industry and electricity, and combining these with new business strategies, he believes we can simultaneously make the world safer, healthier and wealthier, for all of society. His remarkable vision for smarter and fairer energy policy has also persuaded top business leaders, the Department of Defense, and decision makers in Washington D.C.

This speech was presented at the 2011 Bioneers National Conference and is part of the Ecological Design Collection, Vol. 1.

