Bioneers 2020 Day 1: Mushroom Medicine and Racial Justice Beyond 2020

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3 min readDec 6, 2020

The first day of the Bioneers 2020 Conference, presented science that opened our eyes to new possibilities along with ideas and inspiration for transitioning into a new year with strength, perseverance and an unwavering insistence upon amplifying underrepresented voices in important conversations.

“You have power,” said activist and organizer LaTosha Brown. “How can you use your agency, our collective power, to make the change that we all deserve?”

Following are some of the ideas and takeaways Bioneers introduced on day 1 of the 2020 Conference.


Lessons, In Their Own Words:

  • “The complexity of the world’s challenges today is so vast that they can be solved only through extensive interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration and a spectrum of approaches, cultural perspectives, and ideas.” -Nina Simons; Co-Founder | Bioneers
  • “What is so extraordinary about these [psilocybin mushroom] medicines is their widespread effects address issues not being addressed by conventional medicines, especially with PTSD and addiction.” -Paul Stamets; Mycologist and Author
  • “I believe that when it comes to safeguarding and building democracy, most Americans have had the leisure to do the bare minimum. The last four years have revealed that that is no longer enough. We’re now posed with the challenge of getting Americans from all walks of life to roll up their sleeves and step into a different level of engagement.” -Bakari Kitwana; Executive Director | Rap Sessions
  • “Whenever there is a threat to justice or to democracy for some of us, it makes all of us vulnerable. You cannot advance democracy in our country if you don’t deal with ground zero and places that are impacted most.” -LaTosha Brown; Co-Founder | Black Voters Matter Fund
  • “Whether we are rich or poor, whether we live in the city or in the forest, we all have one planet.” -Oscar Soria; Campaign Director | Avaaz
  • “I try to translate progressive values into a different context. There is a way to strip down the framing of policies that have become divisive and rebuild them to be relevant, inclusive and compelling.” -Chloe Maxmin; State Senator | Maine
  • “Change happens through community organizing. It’s how we treat each other at the dinner table. It’s inside of you already.” -Tia Oros Peters; CEO | Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples

Campaigns to Follow & Support:

  • Sign the petition calling on world leaders to support a Global Deal for Nature that protects and restores half of the Earth’s lands and oceans. (Mentioned in the panel One Earth: Integrating Climate Action and Biodiversity Conservation into a Blueprint for a Livable Planet)
  • Learn more about (and even participate in) the world’s first mobile microdosing study, which is a correlational study on the effects of microdosing psychedelic substances on cognitive performance and mental health. (Mentioned by Paul Stamets in his keynote presentation, Psilocybin Mushroom Medicines: A Paradigm Shift in Global Consciousness)
  • Learn more about how Artificial Intelligent technology can be used for the social good with AI for People. (Mentioned in the panel Racial Justice Beyond Trump)
  • Help make sure that those most excluded from democracy are at the center of transforming it with Groundswell Action Fund, which strengthens U.S. movements for reproductive and social justice by resourcing intersectional electoral organizing led by women of color, low-income women, and transgender and gender non-conforming people of color. (Mentioned in the panel If Women Led the World: Midwifing the World Anew)
  • Get involved with One Earth, an organization on a mission to stay below 1.5°C in global average temperature by shifting to renewable energy, protecting and restoring nature, and transitioning to regenerative agriculture. (Mentioned in the panel One Earth: Integrating Climate Action and Biodiversity Conservation into a Blueprint for a Livable Planet)
  • Support our friends at Destiny Arts Center: Founded by Black and Queer dance and martial artists in 1988, Destiny uses movement-based arts to uplift youth voice, supporting pathways for young people to express themselves, advocate for justice and equity, fight against the systemic racism that continues to impact Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), and build a community where everyone feels seen, valued, and free. (The Destiny Arts Youth Performance Company were featured performers today.)

