Chloe Maxmin — Building Progressive Power in Rural Red America

Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2020

The deep divisions between urban and rural America are becoming a defining force in American politics at the state and national levels. It is clear that we cannot achieve bold, long-lasting legislation without support from rural America. Hear from Chloe Maxmin, a young progressive from rural Maine who in 2018 flipped a Maine House Seat with a 16% Republican advantage, and in 2020 challenged the highest ranking Republican in Maine (and a two-term incumbent) for the Maine State Senate…and won!

Chloe delivered this talk at the Bioneers 2020 Conference, introduced by Nina Simons.

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Chloe Maxmin, hailing from rural Maine, is a Maine State Senator just elected in 2020 after unseating a two-term Republican incumbent and (former) Senate Minority Leader. In 2018, she served in the Maine House of Representatives after becoming the first Democrat to win her rural conservative district. Chloe is seeking to develop a new politics for rural America, and she and her campaign manager, Canyon Woodward, are currently writing a book for Beacon Press about their electoral success and political goals.

Divesting from Fossil Fuels — Youth Leadership Lessons

In this Bioneers 2014 keynote address, Chloe Maxmin describes her history as a young climate activist. An activist since age 12, she co-founded Divest Harvard to pressure her college to disinvest from fossil fuel holdings, gaining international recognition for her effective activism.

Youth Solutionaries: Future Present

This Bioneers podcast features Chloe Maxmin as well as De’Anthony Jones, a former President of the Environmental Students Organization at Sacramento State, and Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, hip-hop artist and Youth Director of Earth Guardians. They say there’s no better time to be born than now because this generation gets to rewrite history. It could be known as the generation that brought forth a healthy, just, sustainable world for every generation to come.

