Cultivating Food Justice Through Regenerative Agriculture

Published in
5 min readFeb 26, 2021

This article contains the content from the 2/25/2021 Bioneers Pulse newsletter. Sign up here to get the newsletter straight to your inbox!

As corporate food entities grow an insatiable appetite for ever-larger profits, hunger and malnutrition continues to increase in primarily Black and Indigenous communities, who also comprise the majority of exploited agricultural workers. The concentration of agricultural land, profits and labor into the hands of white ownership finds its roots in the legacy of colonialism.

Colonized people are leading the struggle to uproot the relationship of extractive violence against people and land that characterizes the agricultural industry. These leaders are paving the way for food justice and illuminating the stakes we all share in transforming how we relate to land and food production.

This week, we uplift some of the stories and teachings of leaders in regenerative agriculture and food sovereignty.

Leah Penniman — Farming While Black: Uprooting Racism and Seeding Sovereignty

Renowned longtime farmer, educator, author, and food sovereignty activist, Leah Penniman, explains the deep roots of this land loss and food injustice and shares the work she at Soul Fire Farm and others around the country in Black and Brown farming communities are doing to reclaim ancestral rights, renew ties to the land, achieve genuine agency in the food system, and advance food sovereignty.

Watch here.

Thanks to our friends at Chelsea Green, you can purchase Leah Penniman’s book Farming While Black (and others!) at a 35% discount. Simply visit the Chelsea Green website and check out using code PWEB35.

This discount code cannot be combined with any other offers (books on sale or multiple discount codes, for example). Sales and special offers are for online orders only. Free Shipping for orders over $100 occurs after the discount is applied (U.S. orders only).

A Keynote Conversation with Leah Penniman

After the Bioneers 2020 Conference, Bioneers Co-founder and Chief Relationship Strategist Nina Simons spoke with Leah Penniman about her background and work at Soul Fire Farm, and about the healing we can all experience from reconnecting to the land and each other.

Watch here.

Native American Food Sovereignty: An Interview with Filmmaker Sanjay Rawal

Arty Mangan of Bioneers spoke with Sanjay Rawal about his latest film Gather, the story of reclaiming food sovereignty in three North American Indigenous communities. Sanjay is a James Beard Award winning filmmaker who spent 15 years working on global human rights campaigns. His films include FOOD CHAINS about the battle of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers against the largest agribusiness conglomerates in the world and 3100: Run and Become about ultra-marathoners who value running as a spiritual exercise.

Read more here.

Seeding Food Sovereignty: Black and Indigenous Farming Leaders Share Their Strategies

A food sovereignty movement is sprouting on the trail of colonialism and white supremacy, which have unknowingly planted the seeds of their own unmaking. In this panel conversation from the Bioneers 2020 Conference, BIPOC leaders share food sovereignty strategies rooted in cultural knowledge, as well as the rematriation of land and dignity to colonized people who overwhelmingly represent the number of exploited laborers working on stolen land. Moderated by Naima Penniman, an artist-activist and educator, with: Rowen White, a Mohawk farmer and seed keeper; Reverend Heber Brown, a community organizer and social entrepreneur; and Leah Penniman, a farmer and food justice advocate.

Read more here.

Regenerative Agriculture Media Collection

Food Justice is not just about dismantling current systems of exploitation and violence but forging new ways of agricultural practice. Regenerative Agriculture seeks to redefine production and, in doing so, restore a reciprocal relationship with our planet.

This collection of Bioneers Media is an extensive resource on healing and justice through regenerative agriculture. This innovative media collection includes content on regenerative justice — not only land — but for agricultural workers who have formed a colonized class of an exploited labor force.

Read more here.

Decolonizing Regenerative Agriculture: An Indigenous Perspective

In this interview, Director of the Bioneers Restorative Food Systems Program, Arty Mangan, speaks with A-dae Romero-Briones. Citizen of the Cochiti and Kiowa Nations, A-dae is the Director of Agriculture and Food Systems Programs for the First Nations Development Institute, an organization that provides grants and technical assistance to strengthen Native communities and economies. A-dae is a compelling voice in illuminating the injustices that colonialism has inflicted on Native People and for the acknowledgment of Indigenous People’s land stewardship as a basis for regenerative agriculture.

Read more here.

Medicine of the Feminine: Virtual Retreat and Transformational Summit

In honor of International Women’s Day, you are invited to join Global Sisterhood in this three day virtual retreat and transformational summit dedicated to healing, meditation, activism, and harnessing the power of the feminine. From March 6–8, convene with various thought leaders and wisdom keepers to create a future for the next generation of feminine leaders.

Register Here!

This article contains the content from the 2/25/2021 Bioneers Pulse newsletter. Sign up here to get the newsletter straight to your inbox!

