How to Be a Good Ally

Published in
1 min readMar 7, 2020

This video shares ideas for how to be a good ally to Indigenous Peoples through open and honest dialogue between Indigenous and non-Indigenous partners in philanthropy, and social justice and environmental activism. Information shared by the panelists provide a pathway for building successful cross-cultural collaborations in philanthropic giving, environmental campaigns, and forwarding Indigenous rights.

This presentation took place in the Indigeneity Forum at the 2018 National Bioneers Conference.
Indigeneity is a Native-led Program within Bioneers/Collective Heritage Institute that promotes indigenous knowledge and approaches to solve the earth’s most pressing environmental and social issues through respectful dialogue.

Introduced by Cara Romero and Kenny Ausubel. Moderated by Alexis Bunten. With: Clayton Thomas-Muller, Stop-it-at-the-Source Campaigner of; Mitch Anderson, founder and Executive Director of Amazon Frontlines; Hernan Payaguaje (Seikopai) Executive Director of the Ceibo Alliance; May Boeve, Executive Director,; Edgar Villanueva, Chair of Native Americans in Philanthropy; Hilary Giovale, a 9th generation American settler and philanthropist committed to healing historical divides.

