john a. powell: Co-Creating Alternative Spaces to Heal

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1 min readNov 20, 2017

Racialized violence injuries all of us — not just those who are being “othered” but also those who perpetuate that “othering.” These painful injuries happen on many levels, including on the individual, structural, and societal spheres, so healing must also happen on many levels, but we can’t truly heal these deep wounds while the injuries are still being perpetuated. Professor john a. powell, one of the world’s most important thinkers and scholars on civil and human rights, Director of the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at U.C. Berkeley, explores how we can better understand the spaces we currently inhabit and strategize to co-create alternative spaces where real healing can truly begin. Introduction by Nina Simons, Bioneers co-founder.

This speech was given at the 2017 National Bioneers Conference.

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