The Long-Term Benefits of Living Buildings: Why “How Much Did This Cost?” Is the Wrong Question to Ask

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6 min readJun 18, 2019

By Richard V. Piacentini, President and CEO of Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens

At Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, our commitment to sustainability in everything we do has led us to construct some of the world’s greenest buildings. On a single project site, a visitor to Phipps can now see an unprecedented multi-facility complex of three buildings, each showcasing a different construction type — new, modular and existing — and each designed to meet the most rigorous standards in the built environment.

The Center for Sustainable Landscapes (CSL), an education, research and administration facility opened in 2012, is the first and only building to meet four of the highest green certifications — Living Building Challenge, LEED Platinum, SITES Platinum and WELL Building Platinum. Two of our other buildings are also pursuing the Living Building Challenge. The Nature Lab at Phipps, unveiled in 2015, is a modular classroom designed to demonstrate how learning environments for children can be built to maximize wellness and potential. The Exhibit Staging Center (ESC), opened this May, adapts a 1960s public works building with a dynamic new design to maximize the wellness of Phipps employees while providing state-of-the-art efficiency.

During the construction of each of these buildings, the question often came up: “How much did this project cost?” A simple answer just doesn’t do it justice, as it implies that the only factor that should be considered in a new project is the initial cost. A popular misconception that passes for conventional wisdom says that green buildings are too expensive and aren’t worth the investment. At Phipps, we know that this is a short-sighted mindset — in fact, green buildings make perfect economic sense, and their benefits only increase when an organization approaches a construction project with a holistic, long-term view.

All three of our new green buildings are designed to meet the Living Building Challenge and operate at net zero energy, meaning they generate all of the energy that they use within a year. The CSL actually produces more energy than it uses in a year (net positive), generating 133,301 kWh and using only 129,876 kWh in its last year of operation. This electricity that powers the CSL is produced entirely on-site through solar and wind generation. One of the reasons the building is able to achieve this remarkable feat is because it is extremely efficient. The CSL has an energy use intensity (EUI) of 18, which is 73.8% less than the EUI of a typical office building. This energy efficiency is achieved through a combination of sustainable features and strategic design choices that anyone can make. For example, choosing to situate the building so that it faces south, maximizing solar gain and daylighting, greatly reduced our energy needs. Our geothermal heating and cooling system is a very efficient way to condition the building and it is completely powered by on-site generated power. Over time, the fact that Phipps’ green buildings will never have a heating, cooling, electric or sewer bill really adds up. The cost of operating the CSL for its expected 100 year life span compared with a conventional office building of the same size will save Phipps $10 million in energy costs alone. With conventional buildings there will always be utility costs.

On its lower campus, Phipps’ green buildings capture, treat and reuse all water that falls onsite, managing 3.25 million gallons of storm water per year — enough water to fill five Olympic swimming pools. Since the CSL opened in 2012, not a single drop of storm or sewer water has left the site. As a botanical garden, Phipps has a great need for water. Water that falls on the back of our campus, where our three green buildings are located, is used to irrigate the landscape or is allowed to infiltrate. A combination of constructed wetlands and sand filters allows us to clean and reuse all of the water from toilets and sinks. A typical office building using the CSL’s amount of potable water will spend more than $469,000 over a 100-year building life span on water usage and treatment. That cost simply does not exist in the CSL, Nature Lab and ESC. By capturing, treating and reusing the water on our site, Phipps also saves the City of Pittsburgh money by keeping this water out of the already overtaxed combined sewer and storm water system. By treating and reusing all water that falls onsite, green buildings save money for the building owners and the cities in which they exist.

Though it is often not considered during the building design process, the biggest cost to an organization is staff — not electric, rent, water, etc. Many peer-reviewed professional studies show correlations in building design that are designed to address employee health and staff productivity, attendance, focus and mental engagement, mood, overall physical health, recruitment, and retention. These studies appear in journals such as Indoor and Built Environment, Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, International Journal of Epidemiology and International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. In fact, a study done by real estate services firm Stok cites an annual profit of $3,395 per employee in a 150,000 square-foot high performance green building. In addition to the Living Building Challenge, Phipps’ CSL and ESC are designed to meet WELL Platinum Certification, a certification that focuses on human health and well-being in buildings. Our green buildings are free of Living Building Red List toxic chemicals, which are very commonly found in typical office buildings and are harmful to human health. They also incorporate elements of biophilic design, which connects people to nature in the built environment and has a positive impact on human health. From extensive use of indoor plantings to plentiful windows offering views of nature and natural light and ventilation, these buildings blur the line between the built and natural environment, celebrating the bonds between humans and nature. By investing in our staff’s well-being upfront, we will see a long-term payoff in the future.

Before Phipps began constructing green buildings on its lower campus, the site was a brownfield — toxic, barren and completely paved over. Now, it has transformed into a thriving ecosystem that is healthy for the people, native plants and wildlife who occupy it. Restoring the land and making it more beautiful also added an attraction for the visitor experience. Green buildings operate with nature, not in spite of it. This creates a beneficial ecosystem for all living beings that use the space.

Finally, taking a broader look at green buildings, Phipps’ projects support a new sector of construction. By serving as a role model for the world, the CSL, ESC and Nature Lab encourage other organizations and individuals to pursue Living Buildings. Our spaces prove that green buildings can be beautiful and are better places to live, work, learn and play than traditional buildings. If more organizations follow Phipps’ lead, more manufacturers will respond with more efficient and less toxic building materials increasing competition for these items and thereby lowering their cost. In addition, as more people begin to construct high performance green buildings, industry leaders will be encouraged to innovate and invent new technologies for them, leading to job growth in their fields. Constructing green buildings doesn’t just make economic sense for individual organizations; it contributes to the economy as a whole.

When looking at a building project from a long-term view, it becomes increasingly apparent that high performance Living Buildings vastly out-perform their traditional counterparts. By generating their own energy and managing all of the water that falls onsite, they never see a utility bill, saving millions of dollars over time. The value of human and environmental well-being are not typically a part of building design conversations, but they should be. Phipps continues to pursue the best, most sustainable practices in our green buildings and in everything we do, paving a bright future for the next generation.

Richard V. Piacentini

Since 1994, Richard Piacentini has led the green transformation of Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, including construction of the Center for Sustainable Landscapes, the only building in the world to meet Living Building Challenge™, LEED® Platinum, WELL™ Platinum, and SITES™ Platinum certifications. Richard is interested in the connection between people and plants particularly as it relates to human and environmental health. He has received numerous professional honors, including APGA, ILFI and USGBC leadership awards.

