🔥 💚 Get your biophilia while it’s hot! 💚 🔥

Michelle Kamerath
Biophilia Magazine
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2 min readDec 16, 2016

Hello friends and plant-lovers, ‘tis the season to feel the love, and what’s not to love about that?

If you’re needing a bit of a feel-good break from all the Christmas shopping, without the shame-hangover from your holiday work party, (its cool, we’ve been there), we kindly suggest you make a break for the plant kindgom. Here are a couple low-calorie things to try:

Feel good, for real: the holiday edition

If you live in New York City, why not say hi to your neighbors — the trees on your block? The new tree census is out, and the vote is in: this is awesome. If you live in a city anywhere, how about adopting your nearest storm drain? It’s a real thing, it has real impacts, and its real easy to do. Plus, you get a sign. #swag! Finally, if you want to live in an alternate universe where furniture forests are real, then support this guy’s amazing project to make it so. Buy a tote bag, if you can’t buy a chair.

Look ma! I grew a lamp!

This week, on Biophilia

Anna Macoboy’s genius essay on “The panic and pathos of fall” couldn’t be more perfect for how I feel right now, looking at my “to do” list for the next week. Panic, yup. Pathos? Feeling it. Do I need to slow down and enjoy the season? ⏸🌀⏸ Check it out, if you missed it! Also, Robynne Heymans’s write up on NYC Parks Circle-of-Life leaf litter strategy is a perfect thing, if you want a reminder of how cities are still doing great, progressive work.

Finally, I tugged on a thread made of grass and realized everything is connected! So I wrote a post on the invisible history of grass in garden design. Take a look!

Have a great weekend! Get out, stay in, hug a tree or a houseplant. Show some love to the plants in your life. And, the people too,


Michelle Kamerath

