Our bio-feelings about this week

Michelle Kamerath
Biophilia Magazine
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2 min readDec 9, 2016

Dear friends!

Well, it’s week one of our publishing project on Medium, and I think we can say: success! Starting a gardening mag in late fall is sort of great. There’s something about the hustle of the season that puts us in the mood to make/nest/shop/do! Everything feels “drenched with purpose” to quote my favorite poem which is legit about snails and maybe eternal love. Well, season’s greetings either way!

Some things to read:

Teju Cole’s article about a photographer whose extraordinary work involves the most ordinary flower arrangements. Or this interview with the NYC Departments of Parks and Recreation commissioner Mitchell Silver who visits a different park each Sunday, rain or shine.

Some things to do: NYC alt-wreath edition

If you’re in the mood for something perhaps outside the holiday routine: Consider looking at “wreath interpretations” on display at Central Park. Or, make a wool pompom wreath while supporting local food shelters in Bed Stuy. If all else fails, drink wine and throw confetti onto a Norfolk Pine and call it Christmas, or maybe just eat your wreath?

Au revoir, autumn | photo: Michelle Kamerath

Home is where the Joshua Tree is

And, just in case you missed anything on Biophilia this week, check out Anna Macoboy’s easy how-to on Herbariums, a craft favored by another ace poet, Emily Dickinson.

If you’re headed home for the holidays, check out lenna pettersson’s post that nails that feeling of “now that I’m grown up and gone I miss those things I left behind.” Like Joshua Trees.

Finally, I imagine you might hear something more lovely than Greg Peterson’s chill autumn mixtape this weekend, but that would be hanging the mistletoe high, indeed.

Next week, stay tuned …

As we round the corner past Autumn, Anna will have a final ode to the season, I’ve got a “3 Degrees of Garden History” post in store that will make Kevin Bacon check his six, and Robynne Heymans has some thoughts about leaves up her sleeve that you won’t want to leaf alone.

Have a great weekend,

Thanks to Tasha Haley for her help with this newsletter

