BTRN Token Burn

Published in
1 min readFeb 12, 2019

After careful consideration decided to burn 588,907,488 BTRN tokens. The burn reflects the current market situation as well as the developments of Biotron’s product over the last year.

The initial total supply of 1,000,000,000 BTRN tokens reflected a strategy where Biotron wanted to create its own blockchain for distributing rewards to participating users. As Biotron will use blockchain provided by SophiaTX, the full amount will not be necessary. After the ITE, 488,907,488 BTRN tokens were not distributed. This amount was burned along with 100,000,000 BTRN allocated to cover transaction costs. The goal was also to update BTRN tokenomics according to the current market situation.

Since today the new total supply is 411,092,512 BTRN tokens, with 111,092,512 distributed during the ITE, 250,000,000 allocated to user acquisition, and 50,000,000 to the foundation itself.

Tokens were burned by sending them to the address of our BTRN (ERC20-token) smart contract. The txid of the burn is:

