Development Update 8th August 2018

Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2018

Dear Biotronians,

I hope you’re enjoying the summer. The third quarter of 2018 is well under its way, so it’s time to do another bi-weekly update on all things Biotron.

New web

As a follow up to our new(ish) strategy and to reflect the focus of on product we did a new webpage. The number one target is to clarify what Biotron does and to attract clients. Second we wanted to market our Android app to users worldwide and talk a bit about our vision under the Foundation landing page. Along with the new web we updated the executive summary, which is-in my opinion-a far better format than the whitepaper. We’d love to hear your feedback on both, so feel free to hit any of our comms channels below.

App update & progress

Since its release, our Android app got quite a lot of traction. We did a bunch of smaller updates to address the most pressing issues and do some minor improvements. Last week we published a bigger release with improved battery consumption and transaction history. Oh yeah, and some folks already got to that magical 50 BTRN level, so they could transfer the reward to their wallets. If you haven’t done so already, follow the link above to join them.

Get in touch with us!

You’re very welcome to ask us anything on our official Telegram group. Twitter might be of help here as well. We’re looking forward to your messages.

Have a successful week!

Best regards,


CEO of Biotron

