Development Update August 2019: Petrolyze & Mobilyze launched!

Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2019

Dear Biotronians,

I’m very happy that I can share some exciting news with you. August was quite a busy month for us as we launched two complete solutions — Petrolyze and Mobilyze.

Mobilyze & Petrolyze launched!

Both solutions utilize our whole framework — both legal and technical. At the beginning is the Biotron Mobile SDK for iOS and Android. It can be implemented into any mobile app on these platforms. After user opt-in it starts collecting various datasets with minimal impact on the user experience. These are sent to our Data Engine where they are processed and analyzed, giving our partners actionable insights for their businesses. Mobilyze is focused on municipalities and transport authorities, giving them a long-term perspective on the movement of people within a specific region. Partners can use it to optimize public transport, infrastructure, and even improve urban planning. Petrolyze, as you may have guessed, is for petrol retailers and provides location intelligence on their and their competitors’ retail chains. The final step is rewarding, which is part of both Mobilyze and Petrolyze. In the former users are rewarded in regards to public transport (e.g. free tickets, discounts on prepaid, etc.), and in the latter the rewards are directly part of the existing reward programmes of our partners. Everything is of course compliant with GDPR and other privacy regulations. Right now we’re working to roll out pilot projects for both solutions. We’ll update you as soon as they’re out.

Best Blockchain Startup nominee in CESAwards 2019

For the second year in a row we’ve been nominated for this prestigious award. In 2018 Biotron Labs won the regional round of this category, and we’re hoping to repeat this success. You can help us by voting on CESA website. Thanks in advance for your help!

New colleague

As we’ve advertised before, we’re still growing our team and looking for new colleagues (do let us know if you’d like to be a part of our team). I’m happy to introduce our latest addition — Marek, who will be working with us as a data engineer. He is young, but a very promising talent and is already becoming a solid part of our team.

Get in touch with us!

You’re very welcome to ask us anything on our official Telegram group. Twitter might be of help here as well. We’re looking forward to your messages.

Have a successful week!

Best regards,

CEO of Biotron

