Development Update February 2020: New Mobilyze Pilot

Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2020

Dear Biotronians,

The start of the year was so eventful that we skipped one dev update. I’ll try to make it up to you in this edition with plenty of exciting news.

In February we finished the Uplift urban innovation accelerator organized by Impact HUB Bratislava and Civitta. The finals were packed and competition was fierce. We didn’t win, but we’re very thankful for all the mentoring, inputs, new contacts, and coverage we got. I’d like to once again congratulate the overall winner — Nitroterra Technology. Here’s a coverage about the accelerator from Forbes (in Slovak).

FTRNW Tuesdays is a lovely after-work meeting with interesting topics. In February it was dedicated to data-driven spaces and I’m glad I was part of the discussion in the panel along with Marek Plavcan from HB Reavis and Miroslav Bistut from ZSE Energia.

After the event I sat down with Milan Bogar from PropTech Slovakia for a little longer and so you can read some insights in this post on Unissu. Thanks Milan!

HB Reavis was one of our first partners and we’ve been working together ever since. I’m really excited that we’ll be extending the cooperation in creating smart workspace solutions even further with its daughter company Symbiosy. I’ll make sure to post a case study soon so you can read about all the interesting stuff we’re doing with them.

After finalizing Uplift and some mentorings & consultings over the last couple of months we did some important internal adjustments and we decided to merge Petrolyze and Mobilyze into one project. Going forward we’ll only be developing Mobilyze — one solution that will cover all location intelligence needs of our partners. The primary segments will still be municipalities and utility companies with networks of EV chargers. The latter seems to be very promising — we delivered the first pilot last week. Once the paperwork is done we’ll post the reference as well. We’re also working on growing the solution to the whole CEE region, as well as Western Europe. More news about this will follow soon.

Due to the increasing amounts of spam and a lot of energy invested in maintaining our Telegram community we decided to shut it down on March 10. You’re more than welcome to ask any questions you might have on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

Best regards,


CEO of Biotron

